26: Lester Knows Best

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"I want you to have this." Trevor said while handing me a faded green army jacket. "It was mine while I was in the Air Force."

I almost felt tears come to my eyes as I took the jacket and pulled it on over my shirt. Trevor's best years were when he was flying, and he would give this to me.

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed side of my face on his chest. He placed his hands on the small of my back and hugged me back tightly. I inhaled his scent of sweat and dirt. It smelled like home now, not just dirty.

"Thank you," I said into his chest.

"You're welcome." He replied.

We were still at Yellow Jack in our room upstairs from the bar. Michael hasn't bothered to wonder where I was so we didn't return to Trevor's trailer. And we wouldn't be until tomorrow when they have their heist where I get to sit and wait all day til they get back. Or when Trevor gets back. I don't care about Michael.

"Can we talk about something I've been thinking about?" I asked and pulled away, but held onto his hand.

He nodded. "What's plaguing you, darling?" He asked poshly. I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. It's important to me." I said. I led him to the bed.

"Oh so we're gonna fuck again?" He smirked as I climbed across the bed to my side and he sat on his.

"No," I said. His smirk fell. "You're not...pregnant...right?" He asked seriously.

"What?" I was taken off guard. I hadn't even taken pregnancy into my mind. Now thinking about it, I should start paying attention. "No. I'm not." I said. "That's not what this is about. I just wanna talk about my life really. Rant."

He leaned on his side. "Alright, rant." He gestured for me to start.

I took a deep breath. "This isn't easy to say. I've never told anyone." I said. "I always feel like the odd one out. Like, I'm the one who doesn't belong. If like, we had to sacrifice on of us I'd be the one they'd through to the fire."

"Well I know for a fact that ain't true. Michael loves you even though he's not good at fucking showing it." Trevor replied.

"But we have to be a perfect little family and I feel like I ruin that. No one in our neighborhood knows that Amanda isn't my real mother. Amanda wouldn't be able to cope with people knowing I'm a product of prostitution." I said while looking at the "Philips" badge on the jacket and moving my fingers across the tag.

"So am I." Trevor said and ran his hand over my leg to try to console me as I felt tears come back to my eyes.

"Everyone thinks that we're perfect. But Michael and Amanda are unfaithful. Michael murders people. Jimmy sits around smoking pot. Tracey is on her back with a new guy every night. And then here's me. I'm not doing anyone any good. I'm like, the De Santa - Townley void."

"Well you're doing me a lot of good. I don't have bad dreams like I used to." Trevor replied while looking down at my leg. That helped a bit with my guilt.

"We live in a mansion in Vinewood. I have more money than I'll ever need. But why am I so unhappy?" I said, not expecting an answer. Trevor still rubbed my leg and stayed silent. He didn't even look up at me.

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