40: Worse Than Nicotine

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(The second half is kinda reminds me of the music video above)

(The second half is kinda reminds me of the music video above)

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The next day I was too worried and scared to go early. Or during the day for that matter. It was sundown and the sky was gray. Actually, there never was any sun. The sky was always gray. But it was a darker gray at night. I found 'Kane Brown's address in the phone book and hoped it wasn't outdated.

"Up here." I pointed down the street as I watched the GPS on my phone as it outlined the street in blue. I was shaking when Trevor stopped our gray car outside the house. It was small and simple. There was a weathervane ontop of their roof and it reminded me of northern downpour.

I sighed and reached for the handle on the door but stopped. "What do I even say?" I turned to Trevor.

"Just say the truth. You're their grandkid." Trevor said.

I put my hand on my forehead and then ran it back through my hair. "Okay, I'm ready." I mumbled and then opened the door. I looked at the tire tracks through the snow on the street and wished we were riding down them instead of doing this. I was so scared.

"Remember, you're my body guard." I said to Trevor.

"Remember, don't freak out." He rebounded. I rolled my eyes and stepped up the two porch steps in my knock off uggs.

I froze with my knuckle out in front of the door. My stomach had dropped to the floor had was infested with butterflies. Fuck fuck fuck. Then, with a burst of courage the cowardly lion never had, I knocked on the door three times. I heard footsteps inside and with every one, my heart pounded harder.

The door opened and I saw the old man from the pictures. Kane Brown. But he looked older. Much older. He must be in his sixties. Wrinkles were embedded in his face. He wore a plaid brown and green shirt that contrasted from the gray environment.

"Yes?" He asked with a small smile.

"Are you Kane Brown?" I asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes... are you cold dear?" He noticed my trembling.

"Oh...I'm fine. But uh, are you Isabel Brown's father?" I asked.

He nodded slowly. "Why do you ask?"
I looked at Trevor quickly and he nodded for me to go on.

"Well, uh Mr. Brown, I'm your granddaughter." I said surprisingly.

His eyes went wide. "Alayna Townley?

"No, um Alana. No 'I' in my name." I corrected.

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