52: Piece Of Me

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(Photo above by @ laraberlyne on Instagram)


"Alana De Santa seen with sister Tracey outside the clinic. Is she pregnant?"

"Pregnant and dumped!"

"De Santa sisters went to the clinic. Alana, 19, leaves crying with Tracey, 25."

I tossed the magazines into the backseat and slammed my fist down on the steering wheel, causing a loud honk. I didn't care. Tears streamed down my face.

Michael and Amanda will find out. And they will kill me. I'm so dead. I can never get a fucking break! I'll just lie and say I was visiting a friend. Or I thought I had a cold.

I was going to be meeting Trevor at the club soon and I had to tell him, but I didn't know what to say. How could you say 'hey, I killed our kid'?

I was a mess. I've hardly showered. I hadn't dressed up. I haven't worn makeup. Everything was pointing down for me. And I was having night terrors due to Merryweather breaking in and the abortion.


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My heart pounded as I parked behind the club. I leaned my forehead onto the steering wheel and sighed loudly.

I took a deep breath, then opened the car door and stepped out with my keys and phone. I walked around the car and up to the back door.

I turned the knob and saw Trevor sitting at the desk on his phone. He looked up and smiled at me. I walked around the desk and he pulled me into a hug. "Heya I missed ya babe." He said. He was in a good mood and I was about to ruin it. I forced a smiled and he leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back but didn't put any emotion into it. Trevor began to unbuckle his belt on his jeans without breaking the kiss until I pulled away and put my hand on his.

"Trevor, we can't." He looked down at me with his brown eyes.

"Why?" He asked with a confused expression. I sighed and pushed myself up onto his desk and slouched a bit.

"I have to tell you something." I said without meeting his eyes.

He sunk into his chair. "You didn't cheat on me, did you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No." I said while staring a hole into the carpet. Then I looked into his eyes.

If you don't say it now, you never will. "I...was pregnant." I said.

He raised his eyebrows and stayed silent. He looked at the wall behind me and bit his lip. "What do you mean was?" I held onto my elbows with the opposite hand.

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