67: Hot As Ice

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Photo above is an aesthetic I made for Alana during her breakdown

Photo above is an aesthetic I made for Alana during her breakdown

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"This ain't no foolishness or fuckery, I'm handling my business."


everyone's waiting up to hear if I dare speak your name

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everyone's waiting up to hear if I dare speak your name. put it deep beneath the track like the hole you left in me. and everyone wants to know how it felt to hear you scream. you know you walk like you're a God? they can't believe i made you weak.

Michael came into my room as if he was an alien in a foreign land, walking cautiously and observing everything in my room

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Michael came into my room as if he was an alien in a foreign land, walking cautiously and observing everything in my room. He picked up a framed picture of Evan and I and then set down. He just sighed and I could mentally see him shaking his head in disbelief. "Is there something you want?" I asked out of annoyance.

His eyes showed a feeling of conflict. As if he was deciding to tell me something. "No." he said abruptly, turning and leaving.

I exhaled loudly and got up to shut my door and flopped back onto my bed. I grabbed my phone and opened Bleeter. Of course, my name was trending with all the things I've been up to.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I read. "She's crazy." I held my knees to my chest as I sobbed. I scrolled through Bleeter and read through all the hate and death threats, all the headlines and articles about how I'm "out of control".

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