44: Drive

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"I heard she died." I said to Michael as he was drinking a class of whiskey. I sat at the counter typing on Bleeter.

Michael looked at me. "Who?"

"Molly what's her name. I know she worked with you."

Michael rolled his eyes. "I didn't kill her, okay? She did that on her own."


"I was chasing her down. For the movie. Meltdown. You remember that?" He asked sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

"Great chat dad." I said and looked back down at my laptop screen that Trevor had recently bought.

"Oh and you know what else?" I begin. "Now there's news reports of the De Santa family causing havoc in the streets of LS because no one can contain themselves."

Michael balled his hand into a fist and slammed it on the counter. I jumped slightly. "God dammit Alana! We can fucking try, but you have to put something into this too!"

"Oh right, because you're trying!" I yelled back. I slammed my laptop and put it under my arm and hopped off the stool.

I stomped away while he called after me. "Listen I'm sorry baby okay?"
Too late. I stomped up the stairs and into my room. I turned on my TV and flipped to the gossip news station and my face was right fucking there.

"Shameless? Rock star Alana De Santa spotted in night club with her bodyguard, unnamed, tearing up the dance floor. The singer danced along to music with other girls provocatively."

"Shut the fuck up." I said and changed the channel to some cartoon. I picked up my phone and dialed Trevor's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Yes Princess?"

"Let's go drive. Anywhere. Please?" I asked.


"Thank you." I said. "I appreciate it."


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