9: By The Book

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"I wanna be in a movie

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"I wanna be in a movie." I said to Michael while we were driving in the car. Michael chuckled.

"Yeah well I wanna make movies. It's my dream."

"I got it," I clasped my hands together. "You make movies and I'll star in them and be the American Dream everyone says I apparently am, and you do your little dream and make em." I smiled sweetly.

"Wow, put a lot of thought into that, huh?" Michael laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Haha alright kid. You could be a movie star. You look like one...and act like one you fucking brat." He verbally attacked.

I frowned at him. "I do not." I replied. He laughed again.

"Okay I'm kidding." Then his phone rang. I turned my head and admired the sunset while he talked on the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Were gonna have a diversion from the precious mall, darling." He said sarcastically.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Some warehouse." He replied dryly.

"Okay...?" I waited for any details, but Michael didn't provide them. I bit my lips and leaned back in my seat and just looked out the window.

Suddenly my phone rang. I grabbed my phone from the cup holders and saw 'Evan' on the screen. 


"Hey!" He exclaimed. I could almost hear his smile over the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked. Michael glanced over at me.

"You to go out with me. Friday night after school." He asked. I think my night is clear.

"And do what?" I asked.

"Go see a movie. Dinner. I have some news about something that happened to me I wanna tell you also." He replied.

I sighed. "Alright fine. What time are you picking me up?" I asked with a smirk.

"Six I guess?"

"Alright. Sure. I'll go." I said.

"Aw sweet. Thanks. I'll see you Friday?"  He said.

"Yeah, I guess. Bye." I replied and hung up.

"Who was that?" Michael asked as he pulled into a parking lot of a warehouse. "A pest." I replied with my arms crossed over my chest.

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