31: Empty

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"Happy birthday to you!" Amanda, Tracey, and Jimmy cheered as I blew out the candles on a cake Amanda bought at the store.

I wished for people to leave me alone. Rumors are so hurtful now. People were saying I cheated on Evan and left him 'broken-hearted'. The only thing they had to go on was before I left for Sandy Shores he posted a picture of me and him kissing on his Bleeter and that's it. We haven't said a word to each other since.

I smiled as they clapped. "Thank you so much guys." I said to them.

"You're welcome honey," Amanda smiled as she grabbed a knife to cup the circular cake. The cake said "happy birthday Alana". But I didn't really feel happy. And I haven't felt happy for awhile. We sat in a restaurant that Amanda rented out for just is so we wouldn't get interrupted bombarded with paparazzi.

Tracey leaned over and pulled me into a hug. "You're nineteen now!" She shouted.

"I'm aware," I said with a strained voice as she squeezed the air out of me.

Michael didn't come because Amanda didn't want to see him. He was at the studio. Or out murdering people, that's the only things he does.

Amanda reached under the table and pulled out a bag stuffed with tissue paper. "Here's your present," she smiled as she set the bag in front of me next to the cake.

I reached inside and found a new iFruit laptop.

Jimmy had gotten me a couple new video games such as Alien Isolation and Outlast. Tracey bought me a couple outfits for when I play concerts and shows that were actually pretty fucking hot.


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When I got home I went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed. Michael wasn't home. At least there was a plus. All he cared about was that stupid movie. I'm so glad I finished my filming early on.

Tomorrow I would be returning to the studio to begin recording my third album, still unnamed and then after play shows. I felt exhausted. Rumors with Evan hadn't died down and I had paparazzi at my gate. I was drained.

I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. I felt like crying almost. I'm alone. No one else is here to suffer with me.

I had no idea what Louise was doing and she's been mad at me since she thought I cheated on Evan, saying there's "photo evidence".

My phone rang. I sighed and reached over and grabbed it from the nightstand. Michael was calling. I rolled my eyes and pressed the green button.

"Yes?" I asked while laying with half my face in my bed and my eyes closed.

"Good news!" He exclaimed.


"Remember Crossroads? And how it was postponed? Filming begins soon."

"Oh great," I tried to fake excitement. Another thing to make me tired.

"I'm bringing home a script for you to start reading. I'll be home later, okay?" He said.

"Okay yeah. Bye." Then I hung up. Then instantly called Trevor and told him everything and how I had to film a movie. Don't get me wrong, it was exciting, but I was so tired.

"My family abandoned me and they hate me." I groaned.

"Okay I'll come get you and we'll just fuck around okay?" He suggested.

"You said 'okay' twice." I joked.

I could almost hear his eye rolling. "I'm coming. Cya." He said and hung up. I tossed my phone near my pillow and rolled off onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

I didn't even feel 19. I still felt 18 I didn't even feel like myself. The sound of the doorbell ringing woke me up. I sat up and almost rubbed my eyes but then remember I had makeup on and didn't want to ruin it.

I groaned as I swung my legs over the side and stood. When I was at the platform on the stairs the door opened and Trevor stepped inside. I noticed he was carrying a pink bag with him. He saw me and said, "took too long princess, couldn't wait to see you,"

When I was at the bottom of the stairs he picked me up and swung me around. "How long til Michael gets back?" He asked in my ear. I shrugged.

"I don't know, around three am most times."

"Good," he smirked. "Now, we're leaving."

"Now?" I turned and asked. Trevor nodded. "Hurry up. We'll get like food or something." He took my hand and we went outside together. "That's rare." I remarked as I noticed there wasn't a crowd of flashing cameras by the gate.

"Yeah, its a miracle." Trevor said.


Trevor and I went to Cluckin Bell like we did the first time we were alone together. It was a trip down memory lane. Like before my family left and Michael and I went downhill. Trevor drove to the nearest park and parked his car in a space.

"Whats on your mind?" He asked with a mouthful of burger when he noticed I had been staring into space with a frown on my face.

"I don't know, I'm just mad at Michael. I mean really, its my birthday and the only party I got was lunch with my family and I didn't even eat." I said while bending a fry in my hand.

"Well if it makes you feel better I don't get birthday parties." Trevor said.

I chuckled. "But you're a guy."

"Whatever, lets walk or something." Trevor said as he tossed his trash into the back and opened his door. I opened mine and we met at the front of the truck. Our hands laced as we walked down the sidewalk and let the breeze hit our faces. Not many people were out so I didn't have to worry about people blabbing about Trevor and I. I was still a little nervous about Lester and loose lips but I felt I could trust him.

Then he stopped. "Yknow under all that makeup," he rubbed his thumb over my eyelid. "You look like a actual kid."

I was a little bit offended but I was too tired to argue. I didn't care enough to. "You gonna make an article about it in the magazines? It's everyone's favorite pastime." I said coldly and starting walking away. I heard him jog behind me.

"Oh come on," he said. He grabbed my hand and stopped me, then turned me around. "Lets rent a room at the motel, alright?" He pulled me to his chest.

I sighed. "Alright, fine." I agreed.

Edited 6/22/17

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