7: "Friends" Reunited

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there's just a little left of you - the rest of you is dead

I sat in a bar stool at the counter eating a bowl of cereal with a spoon in one hand and my phone in the other, texting Evan. Michael was drinking whiskey already on this Saturday morning. Amanda even started a "Daddy Drink Count" on the black board on the wall with a bunch of tallies next to drink names for every glass Michael has of alcohol.

Today was a big day, my second album "Oops! I Did It Again" was being released around 5 pm and Weazel News was having a field day. Between responding to Evan, I was reading articles anticipating the album and posting the cover all over. "Its gonna do great." he says.

Michael opened the freezer and I heard a quiet "the fuck is this shit?" from him as Amanda was walking behind me dressed in her yoga attire. Michael pulled out a frozen rectangle of what looked like marijuana which I'm assuming is Jimmy's.

Amanda walked around the island counter and said "is that yours?"

"Course not." Michael said. Amanda took it from him as he took a drink. She sighed and shook her head then shoved it back at Michael.

"I have only got myself to blame for the mess I got these kids in." Amanda said as she took the whiskey bottle and put it back into the liquor cabinet. "You are either drunk or staring miserably the clouds or you're out there doing God knows what." Her tone turned patronizing. As I chewed on my cereal I watched them and rolled my eyes. It's too early for this and I didn't want them ruining my big day. I looked back down at my phone and read 'her new album of the same name of its lead single is highly anticipated.'

"Oh yeah, I've done horrible by you." Michael responded sarcastically. I looked back up at them, unable to focus. Michael set the green block on the counter and I stared at it. I'd never smoked weed so it was a mystery to me how people liked it so much. Amanda began to stomp away. "Pulled you out of a Midwestern trailer park, got you a big mansion in Rockford Hills. Hell the only thing you've got to worry about anymore is what part of your body you want to have chopped off or sucked out again." Michael continued. I didn't need to hear that last part, for I began choking on my cereal and coughing real loud. Amanda sighed at Michael and began beating on my back until I could breath again.

"Screw you Michael!" She said.

"Ah but you won't!" Michael replied. Again, didn't need to hear that.

"I was faithful to you until I found you in a stripper." She slammed her hand down next to me on the marble counter. I cringe and hear Michael chuckle. "I would divorce your ass if I could. You are nothing but a murdering, cheating, hypocrite!" She pounded the counter with each of the last three words. "Thank you Michael whatever the fuck our fake last name is! You have ruined my serenity again! My yoga is fucked!" She was turning dramatic so I just went back to eating my cereal.

Michael set his empty glass on the counter and walked towards Amanda with heavy footsteps. "Oh is that what they're calling it now?! You and your fucking yoga!" Michael shouted.

"Did someone say yoga?" A voice with an accent said that caused me to jump. I realized it was Amanda's personal yoga instructor and probably more than that, Fabian.

"Oh hello Fabian, darling." Amanda said in a sweet time and put her hands together and bowed all zen like or whatever that bull shit is.

"Namaste," they said to each other, Amanda repeating after Fabian.

"You must be Michael," Fabian gestured my dad. Pronouncing his name 'my-cehl' instead of 'my-cull'.

"Namaste." He put his hands together and bowed again. "Na-ma-go fuck yourself." Michael responded and walked back over to the counter. One of the few times I agreed with Michael.

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