11: Crossroads

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"Where are we?" I asked Michael after he pulled into the parking lot of the movie studios

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"Where are we?" I asked Michael after he pulled into the parking lot of the movie studios. "Or why are we here...?" We drove past a couple people dressed as aliens standing around smoking and a couple security guards and I got butterflies knowing that celebrities were probably nearby filming.

"I got a new friend I want you to meet, and you're gonna audition to be in his movie." Michael instructed me. Michael reached over and opened the glove compartment and pulled out a few papers.

"What?" I looked past my phone in my hands to him. "Audition?"

"You heard me. Let's go." He said as he opened his car door. I got out of the car and closed the door and followed Michael up the stairs to two big glass doors. Michael led me down the hall that smelled of old wood and to an office with the papers tucked under his arm. He knocked lightly on the doorframe as he stepped inside the office. "Solomon," he announced cheerfully.

An older man seated at a desk looked up from her paper work and smiled. "Michael," he announced in the same tone. He stood and walked over to Michael and gave him a quick hug.

"This is my daughter Alana

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"This is my daughter Alana." He gestured me.

Solomon smiled down at me and held his hand out. "Solomon Richards." He announced as we shook hands.

"Oh wait, I know who you are. You direct a lot of movies." I said out loud, everything clicked. Michael told me he met Solomon Richards and did a favor for him with a Rocco guy.

"You're the pop star! You worked here awhile ago, didn't you? When you were younger? I apologize for never meeting you."

"Oh yeah, it's fine." I shrug.

Michael smiled proudly. "Do you have a copy of the script?" Solomon asked.

"Yeah," Michael said as he lifted the papers from under his arm and smoothed them out.

"Great, let's get started." Solomon said. He sat against his desk and motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him. I stepped forward and sunk into the chair as he reached behind him and pulled a paper off his desk. I was looking around the room at all the movie artifacts and movie posters while I waited. Michael sat on a velvet red couch on the side of the room to give us space.

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