32: Comet

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Thank you to Frackingprizza for helping me with the idea for this chapter, sending love to Madi ❤️😏

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Thank you to Frackingprizza for helping me with the idea for this chapter, sending love to Madi ❤️😏.(it's more into the next chapter, this is more of a filler)

(It's a version of surveying the score but done differently. I tried to bring Alana into it to make it more of a story rather than skipping over everything)


"I have one last birthday present." Trevor said breathily while kissing my collar bone.

"What's that?" I asked. We were parked in the street outside my house. We faced downhill and I always had that feeling in the pit of my stomach that we were gonna start speeding down the hill due to break failure and die.

"I asked Wade to take it there. Okay?" He pressed his lips on my skin again as I wondered what he had bought. "Come on." He said and pulled away. I turned and opened the truck door with a loud squeak like they normally make. We walked across the street together hand in hand and through the gate.

I almost had a heart attack because I thought I saw Michael's car in the driveway, but I realized Michael had the red car every since Jimmy took the black one.

Who's car is that?

"Happy birthday baby." Trevor said and put keys in my hand. My eyes were wide.

"That's mine?" I asked. The car was a black comet. It almost shined in the night.

Trevor nodded. "Now you get to drive my ass everywhere." I felt tears well up in my eyes and they spilled over as I clutched the keys so hard they'd leave imprints.

Trevor looked down at me and took my in his arms. "No I'm sorry, I don't mind driving you." He said quickly.

"No, no it's not that," I said and he pulled away but still kept his hands on me. "It's just, I don't know. No one ever cares about me like this. I'm the odd child out of the three so I was just brushed under the rug." I said and then hugged Trevor tightly. "Thank you." I said into his shirt.


Once again, I was dragged along with Michael to Lester's warehouse. They argued over a possible way to take their "score" and went over all the possible routes they could take.

"Well," Lester looked over at me. "She could be a distraction."

Everyone looked over at me while I was biting my nails. I looked up at them. "What?"

"No." Michael said angrily. "She's not."

"I didn't even say how yet, Michael." Lester said. He looked back over at me. "Unless any of you have any other ideas, as I am the brain of this operation, she could act like a female dancer or a stripper if you will, and seduce him. Drug him, and while he's out she can take his keycard."

"Yeah, she'd be great at that." Trevor pointed out. Oh god.

Michael glared at Trevor. "Oh yeah? How would you know?" My eyes adverted to Trevor quickly.

"Just guessing, Michael." Trevor spat with a glare.

"Guys, stop arguing for once? You aren't the ones who have to do this!" I yelled.

Michael glared at Lester, then Trevor, then back to Lester. "Alright! Alright. Fine. Whatever." He frowned.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I interjected.

"Want to help out sweetie?" Trevor asked with attitude. I knew he was playing along for Michael.

"No." I said bluntly.

Michael rolled his eyes. "What fucking wonderful kids I raised."

"Yeah, father of the year, Michael De Santa." Trevor said.

"Why don't you shut the hell up?" Michael yelled.

"Why don't you both shut the hell up?" Lester cried. Once they both were silent, Lester turned to me. "Okay..." He breathed out quickly. "We can do this. But we need your help. I'll get you everything you need. Just... please... don't fuck it up?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're asking me. What if I'm busy? What if I have a concert to play? I do have a life you know."


"Hello?" I answered my phone. I was sitting at the kitchen counter scrolling through my phone when Michael had called.

"Alana, I just got a call and guess what?


"Your name, VMAS."

My heart dropped. "Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yup, tomorrow afternoon you begin rehearsals so your next album is on hold just until then. And filming is still getting set up, so we're good. But baby, you're gonna be in the VMAS."

Edited 6/22/17

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