24: Feeling As Good As Lovers Can

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(Chapter title ; Nine In The Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco)

"I don't remember the day we made out the first time but it was like two months ago or something so I'm taking you out

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"I don't remember the day we made out the first time but it was like two months ago or something so I'm taking you out." Trevor said after I asked him where we were going. The sun was setting and the sky was yellow and orange and a bit of blue.

Trevor had driven up the the canyons or mountains or whatever near the border of Vinewood Hills. The only thing saving me from boredom (besides Trevor's company of course) was me coloring in parts of my converse with a black sharpie Trevor had in the cupholder of his truck.

"Where exactly?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Trevor grinned.

"Well last time you said that we ended up fucking." I smirked. Trevor laughed and put his hand on my knee. "Don't you worry, I'll still have time to eat your sweet meats."

I laughed and turned my head to the scenery. It was a small change from the desert and sand and broken beer bottles. Still lots of nothing out here until you get into Vinewood Hills. To be honest, I didn't even miss this place.

I'd fallen for the desert. And for Trevor. I never wanted to leave for as long as I lived really. Something about this place sucked me in and wouldn't let go.

Trevor pulled up into another place like the one he took me to make up for the dance since it was his fault I had to miss the last two weeks of school in the first place.

Trevor wanted to just lay in the truck bed together. After awhile of fooling around in the back of the truck and groping each others body's and making out like teenagers, Trevor opened a beer that we split.

"I need to ask you something." Trevor said looking down at his knuckles.

"Ask away." I said and pressed the bottle to my lips.

"I know I don't have much, but what shit I do have I wanna share with you. I don't even have a ring. But I swear I'd get one. I love you more than I've loved anybody, and I've loved lots. So if you're gonna get high, get high with me. If you're gonna get drunk, get drunk with me. If you wanna have sex, have sex with me. No one else. Marry me." Trevor said.

I almost choked on my beer. Marry Trevor?

I'd never even given marriage thought. Where would our relationship even go? I mean, I'm Michael's daughter. I'm in a spotlight at the moment. We'd never have privacy, we couldn't even tell Michael. Trevor would probably be dead by the time I was even 40 years old.

Am I ready to throw my life away before it even began?

I looked up into Trevor's mud colored eyes and saw eagerness for a response. I chewed on my lip and continued thinking for a few seconds. I do love Trevor with all my heart and I don't know if I can even go back to anyone else. I bit my lip again and scanned his face.

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