17: Dirty Laundry

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I'm 100% sure that Trevor has committed every crime known to man

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I'm 100% sure that Trevor has committed every crime known to man. I'm sure being Trevor Philips is illegal, so I was extremely cautious.

We sat in the laundromat side by side by the washers from the 80s. The only other person there was an older woman passed out on the other side of the room with her washer running loudly like ours.

We sat with on top of washers across from the one we were our bodies we pointed towards each other, playing with each other's hands.

"Did you really mean it, you love me. Not just for the joy of the words rolling off your tongue but with actual meaning?" I asked Trevor quietly.

He looked at me with his yellow brown eyes, a color I could never get tired of.

"Yes I fucking meant it. I'm brutally honest Princess." He replied.

"I think you're starting something inside me, Trevor. There's a storm you're starting."
He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I think I love you." I said. "Or I'm in love with you." Or is it the feeling?

He pulled my body against his and held me there with his head on top of mine. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. I got worried about Michael driving by and seeing Trevor and I like this through the windows.

Trevor still hadn't said anything.

"Trevor you know if we do this we can't tell Michael. Or anyone." I said.

"Yeah, I know." He replied. It worries me that Trevor might want to have sex. I couldn't bring myself to do it with Evan, how could I do it with Trevor?

Then Evan flooded my mind again. How could I even break this to him when I get back?

I looked down at the prehistoric tile floor that could use a good sweeping. Then I turned my body around, spinning on my butt and laid my head in Trevor's lap. I crossed my feet at my ankles and laid my hands across my stomach. Trevor looked down at me with a smirk and ran his hand through my clean hair.

"Did you bleach it?" He asked as if he'd seen it for the first time. "The day before I came down here." I replied.

He ran his hands through it again. "Looks nice." He said.

"You're not very convincing." I grinned up at him.

He chuckled. "I liked your other hair. A bit darker."

"How come you're act so different around me when we're alone but when you're around other people you're so big and bad?" I asked.

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