57: Snake

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"That's a rap! Good job everyone!" The director of my newest music video said while clapping

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"That's a rap! Good job everyone!" The director of my newest music video said while clapping. We filmed a video for the 'Overprotected' DarkChild Remix. We did a video to the regular Overprotected but I prefer this one. It took several days to get every shot but it was worth it.

Amanda, Jimmy and Tracey were on set with me

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Amanda, Jimmy and Tracey were on set with me. There was a knock on my dressing room door and Amanda poked poked her head in. "We're gonna go out to eat okay?" She said. "Get ready."

"Alright." I replied. Amanda smiled and left my room. Then I had a coughing fit. I was beginning to get my once a year sickness due to my surprisingly amazing immune system.

After a few minutes there was another knock and I thought it was gonna be Amanda telling me to hurry up, but instead it was Evan.

"Hey-" he cut me off with a needy and tongue filled kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"Amanda invited me to eat with you guys."

"Oh did she?" I say while changing my shirt. Evan took a seat on the couch and watched me change.

"Yeah, she loves me."

"She actually does. She's really into AHS. Congrats, my mother probably has a crush on you."

Evan laughs. "I have a crush on you."

"I'm aware," I smirk at him and put on the same flannel.

"Ah, you are still wearing it." He smiles while looking at his shirt on me. "Makes me happy."

"I'm glad." I reply and slip my feet into flip flops. "I'm ready." I say and grab my purse. "Also, I wanna apologize for Trevor's behavior. He... is very protective. And he doesn't know."

"It's okay, I'll do anything for you. Even get beat up by some old man." He says and I chuckle.

"Right, anyway let's go." I say and we leave together. We meet my family in the parking lot and decide on a restaurant to go to and drive in separate cars. Evan and I in his and Amanda, Tracey and Jimmy in Amanda's red convertible.

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