41: She Had The World

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She said she won the world at a carnival

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She said she won the world at a carnival.

Back in 'Sin City', I had to return to my lifestyle. With Michael gone, I had Trevor staying with me most nights.

I started filming Crossroads and it was awkward to see Evan between our different sets. He liked to visit often and it reminded me of all the tears I saw on his cheeks. Maybe he was guilting me on purpose. Life just started to pass me by. And it was sucking my soul out with it.

Today, I snuck out of filming and called Trevor. I had put my hair up in a bun and wore a t shirt and sweatpants. When I saw Trevor's truck pull up outside the studio. I jogged over to him and got into the passenger seat.

"Thank you, my savior." I leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. He smiled. "Where to?"

My mind ran over all the places in LS we could go and I thought of the day Jimmy, Michael and I all rode bikes on the boardwalk, then I thought of Del Perro.

"The carnival." I said.

(Cred ; hisandherquotes)

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(Cred ; hisandherquotes)

I found a map in Trevor's glove compartment. I got an idea and found a sharpie in the cup holder. I put my feet against the dashboard and rested the map of San Andreas against my knees.

Trevor seemed to not notice what I was doing with his eyes on the road.

I uncapped the sharpie with my teeth and wrote "Let's Run Away Together" on it. It's not like Trevor ever used a map so no harm done there.

When he came to a stoplight I put the sharpies cap back on and back into the dusty cup holder. I folded up the map before he could read it and shoved it back into the glove compartment.

Trevor pulled into a parking space on the beach parking lot and we got out of the truck

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Trevor pulled into a parking space on the beach parking lot and we got out of the truck. Trevor and I walked hand in hand up to the carnival and I felt beads of sweat forming on my skin.

(cred ; lukkka)

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(cred ; lukkka)

I wore Trevor's jean jacket with the off white inside. It was my favorite jacket of his and it smelled like him. I didn't mind his smells anymore. Ever since he's been with me he's been showering more, with me. Obviously.

We rode a couple rides and ate a funnel cake together. And we agreed on dinner after this. While we were leaving, I thought of all the generic carnival dates and they always end with a teddy bear.

"So, will you win me a teddy bear?" I joked around.

"Sure. I'll win you the best damn bear they have." He said.


"Yup. Watch me."

I gestured for him to try a shoot the gun game ahead of us. "Be my guest." He paid the guy three dollars and then picked up the BB gun. He aimed it at the target 15 feet away and began shooting. I cheered him on as he hit directly on the target. The clerk was blown away, handing Trevor the biggest bear there was.

Trevor smirked as he handed it to me. "Oh for fucks sake." I laughed as he leaned down and kissed me.

"I filmed Sometimes on this boardwalk," I say, reminiscing

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"I filmed Sometimes on this boardwalk," I say, reminiscing.

"That videos cute. You're so beautiful," Trevor said out of nowhere. I looked at him with a embarrassing grin and he continued. "Not in like a 'oh your face is nice' kinda way but 'I like to listen to you talk at 3am' kinda way."

"Trevor you're gonna make me cry." I said still with a big grin.

He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over my skin. "Lets go sit somewhere. I'm tired of walking around this place." He said. I nodded in agreement and followed him with the teddy bear still tucked under my arm.

We sat together on the sand, but Trevor pulled me into his lap

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We sat together on the sand, but Trevor pulled me into his lap. He didn't care as much as I did about sand getting everywhere. I giggled as he kissed my forehead and held me against his chest as we watched the sun go down.

Edited 6/23/17

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Edited 6/23/17

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