62: Freakshow

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{{ I'm on the war path cause I love you just a little too much }}

"Trevor's fallen off the grid. I don't know what's going on, and I don't want to. I put the money into Alana's account since if Trevor had a will, she'd be the only one in it. She can 'hold onto' it for him.

I quietly sobbed as I read Lester's text. I'd give all my money for Trevor back.

I found an email from Ron.
"What the fuck did you do? I can't believe you killed him. I can't believe it. I'm... fuck you. Loafer wearing prick. Fuck you. I hate you. Now I've lost everything. My best friend and the business we had developed. Fuck you.

I hate him too Ron. Don't worry.

Michael's reply: "I assume this is spam. Please do not try to contact me again. -Michael."

I'd give anything to rip his bones apart. To feed him to wolves. I heard the door open and I saw Michael standing there in a towel, his wet hair matted to his forehead.

"What are you doing with my phone?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said venomously and threw it down on the bed. I stomped past him, making sure to shove him with my shoulder, and went into my room and slammed the door.


I was forced to sit at the dinner table. Michael had forced me. Amanda, Jimmy, and Tracey gave awkward looks and looked nervous as Michael and I had a venomous stare off as he chowed down. He looked down at his plate after a minute when I didn't look away or let up.

The other three present De Santa's stole glances at me, probably wondering if I really fucked Trevor. Wondering if I was the only to make him weak. Probably wondering why I was with two men at once.

I didn't eat. I just stared at my plate while I subtly rubbed the prods on the knife against my bare thigh. It barely broke the skin. Overall, I was angry, sad and full of terrorizing rage. I wanted to kill Michael De Santa.

"Please eat." Amanda begged. I shook my head. I didn't want to eat. I never wanted to eat again. "You will die if you don't eat, Alana."

"That's my intention." I replied hastily. "Trevor died. What's there to live for."

Amanda sighed and rubbed her eyes. "I don't even know what to say."

"We're gonna talk when dinner is over." Michael said grimly, breaking the silence. The tension still bubbled. I looked up at him from under arched eyebrows.

"For what reason?"

"I'm not playing games."

"Neither am I." I winced when the rods broke the skin on my thigh and a stinging pain broke through my nerves. Michael frowned at me.

"What are you doing?" He tried to lean forward to look at what I had done below the table. I quickly shoved it under my thigh and gave a sweet smile. Neither Jimmy, or Tracey or Amanda got engaged.

"Just... go sit in the living room. And you wait for us."

"Michael," Amanda said softly while giving him a look of sympathy.

"No. Go sit." I glared at him. I reached under my thigh as I pushed myself away from the table ,my chair screeching as it slid out. I angrily threw the knife and missed Michael on purpose. He jumped out of the way as it clanged loudly against the glass doors behind him.

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