3: Postponed Retirment

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Amanda once again suggested Michael and I go out and spend time together since it's rare we do, so after we left the recording studio after I knocked out another song called "One Kiss From You", we went and got dinner together. When we got home and Michael parked his car in the long driveway after pestering the paparazzi with cameras to move and chill out with all the flashing.

We stepped inside the house and my dad made his presence known. "Big daddy's home!" He called. There was no response. The house was silent. I stood by the door and bent down to tie my converse shoe which I realized had come untied.

"Mand?" My dad called. No response. He sighed and stepped back outside. I finished tying my black converse. I followed him, I almost walked past him as he lit a cigarette but stopped. He sat on the steps and puffed on it. I noticed he seemed annoyed at something.

"Are you mad about your boat?" I asked while standing in front of him, just a couple feet away.

He looked up at me and chuckled. He blew the smoke out of his mouth. "No. Why would I be?" He asked sarcastically. "I'm on top of the fucking world."

I scowled at his sarcasm. "Whatever." I shrugged. His eyes shifted to two tennis rackets sitting against the wall. I saw anger flash over his face and he jumped up. He threw his cigarette and ran up stairs.

"Amanda!" He yelled. "You better not be! Not in my house!" I heard Amanda yell something back but she's too far to hear clearly. I sighed and sat on the steps. I rested my elbows on my knees and my chin in my hands. I saw a car pull into the driveway and park, and I kept my eyes on the person as he or she walked up the driveway. I realized it was Franklin.

"Hey Alana. Where's your dad?" He asked while standing in front of me.

"Fighting with Amanda again or something." I replied casually.

We both heard a loud crash and our heads peeked into the direction it came from. I saw Amanda's tennis coach, wearing a leopard speedo, running towards his car. "What the hell?" Franklin said out loud.

"I guess she's sleeping with the tennis coach again?" I announced.

"That's messed up man." Franklin responded.

"Hey you-stop him!" Amanda called. I turned around and saw Amanda had come downstairs wearing only a towel.

"What's up man?" Franklin asked Michael over Amanda's continuously irritating pleas for Michael to stop.

"Get out of my way." Michael said as he charged towards the front door. "Michael calm down!" Amanda grabbed his arm. "What the fuck is going on?" Franklin asked. I quickly stood before Michael could run me over. I heard the tennis coaches car fire up.

"Nothing happened it was a misunderstanding." Amanda said, still gripping Michael's arm. She snuck a quick glance at me. "She fucked the prick in my bed." Michael said angrily. Michael pushed past Franklin and I, now we were in between Michael and Amanda. "You bullshitting me?" Franklin asked.

"It wasn't like that!" Amanda cried and hugged the towel to her body. "You in?" Michael pointed at Franklin. "Franklin put his arms out. "Fuck man, I guess. Lets get this mother fucker." Michael looked at me. "Come on Lana, don't want you learning from 'Manda here how to be a slut. You'll see how a real man deals with pests."

I looked from Michael, who was walkng towards the landscapers truck and to Amanda, mumbling a 'sorry mom' and jogging to catch up to the two of them. "Just don't kill him!" Amanda yelled. She ran back inside and slammed both doors. We climbed into the truck. I was squished in the middle of them. "This wasn't how I saw my day doing." I said sarcastically to myself.

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