22: One Kiss From You

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(I know nothing about how guns work so sorry if it's wrong)

(I know nothing about how guns work so sorry if it's wrong)

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(Photo cred ; thatoggchick)

"Cmon, let's go shooting." Trevor grabbed my phone from my hands and put it into his pocket. He set his hands on both sides of me on the counter and leaned in.

"Shooting? Like...a gun?" I asked. Trevor nodded.

"Yeah, a gun. What else?"

I sighed. "Man. Why?" I asked.

"You should learn how to protect yourself if something were to happen to me or Michael."

"Oh don't say that." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It could happen." Trevor said.

"No it won't. You're not ever gonna die." I said.

"Get your shoes on," he said. Then he went and grabbed my converse by the door and shoved them into my lap. I sighed and pulled my shoes on while Trevor quickly downed a beer from the box on his table.

I pushed myself down from the counter and winced. "Trevor...it kinda...hurts to move..." I said, referencing how Trevor and I had sex.

"I'll be easy on you." He smiled and then picked me up bridal style.

"Oh thanks I feel so much better." I said blandly and sarcastically.

Trevor chuckled. "Always the sweetest," he said. He kicked open the trailer door and carried me down the steps. He walked into the yard and set me down.

"Well, was it great?" He asked.

"Are you underestimating your masculinity?" I smiled.

"Nope, far from underestimation." he smiled from ear to ear.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked.

"The first time girls fuck they don't normally orgasm." I rolled my eyes. Of course. I felt guilty and so in love all at the same time. I also felt bad for Evan, I know he wanted to be my first, but that took a turn. Trevor pulled a pistol out of the waistband of his sweatpants.

"The last time I fired a gun, it was on the way to Sandy Shores, and I barely knew then how to shoot." I said.

"Why?" Trevor asked while making sure the gun was loaded then slapping the clip back into place. He placed the gun into my hand.

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