2: I Don't Care Anymore

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"Mom! Jimmy said I have a massive

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"Mom! Jimmy said I have a massive...Mom! Jimmy called me a bitch!" Tracey yelled as she stomped out of Jimmy's room. I rolled my eyes and rolled into my back on my bed. I had just gotten out of school and home a few minutes before and instantly I hear my siblings arguing. I sat up on my bed and quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off along with my cardigan. I changed into a pair of athletic shorts and another t shirt. While changing, I heard Jimmy start saying some provocative things to his "online buddies" and boasting of his gaming skills. I assumed Tracey went into her room.

I stood and walked outside of my room and into the hall. "Can you guys ever shut up?" I shouted as I bounced down the stairs. I turned to walk to the kitchen but stopped in my tracks when I saw one of the guys I saw at the dealership inching towards the door to the garage. My heart pounded and my breath hitched. Why the hell is he here? Is he intruding? What am I supposed to do.Past him was Amanda an her tennis coach standing at the counter drinking whiskey and acting a little more sexually than usual towards each other by practicing their tennis swings.

"Thank you coach!" Amanda said glee fully. "You've got an excellent back swing, Mrs. De Santa." The tennis coach replied in the same tone. They hadn't seen the guy standing in the doorway.

The man turned his head and saw me. His eyes went wide. He put his fingers up to his lips to stop me from shouting to Amanda or Michael or anyone. He moved faster and walked into the garage. My eyes went back to Amanda and her preferred lover over my dad.

I scoffed. "Hello? Are you guys blind?!" I half yelled. They turned and looked at me and the coach backed off of Amanda. Amanda looked like a deer in headlights and quickly cleared her throat.

"What?" She asked. I scoffed again and turned and jogged to the front door. I burst through them and saw the man had gotten into Jimmy's new car and drove out of the driveway. "Dads gonna be so mad." I said to myself. I went back inside and shut the door. I leaned my back against the multi colored mosaic door and sighed. No one in the house gives a shit anyway.

I walked into the living room and plopped on the white couch, still terrified over the guy in our house and stealing our car. Amanda and the coach went back outside to uh, practice I presume. I noticed the TV was on the Old Vinewood channel so I knew Michael was here a minute ago, I had seen him when I came home. But now he was nowhere to be found.

"What is wrong with this family?" I said to no one.


I heard a motor pull roar up the driveway a half hour later. "What is that?" Louise asks, her British accent thick and I'd always been jealous of it.

Before I could answer, the front door burst open and we both jumped. I got up from the kitchen table where we'd been studying and jogged to the foyer and saw my dad with an angry look on his face.

"Credit-fucking-fraud. Can you believe the nerve?" Michael shouted to himself.

"James! Get down here. NOW!" Michael shouted again. Now I was utterly confused.

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