5: Bad Skin; Bad Blood

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I slammed my math text book closed and tossed it on top of my book bag along with the stupid math worksheet. Why do I care about polynomials and whatever else we are learning. I'm not gonna use it anyway. I couldn't concentrate with Jimmy's continuous insults to the guys he was playing video games online with in his room. My dad was downstairs watching TV, Amanda was out shopping, and Tracey out on a yacht with some guys. She told us not to tell Michael.

"Dude do you even have a penis?" He said. I cringe at the word and almost gathered the energy to get up and go slap him in the face. "Or are you one of those hermaphro-dudes born without genitals." Jimmy laughed. I heard the volume on the tv downstairs increase. Apparently Michael was agitated with it too.

 Apparently Michael was agitated with it too

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"You suck cock for fun!" Jimmy said. "Only secretly - then you feel bad about it."

I heard the TV switch off downstairs and then footsteps coming up. "Jimmy!" Michael yelled, seemingly through gritted teeth. "Goddammit!" I laid on my back on my bed with my arms folded behind my head. The footsteps walked towards Jimmy's room.

"The fuck you doin'?" Michael asked Jimmy.

"Nothing." Jimmy replied quietly.

"Really? Because I keep hearing 'hermaphrodite' this, 'suck cock' that-" Michael said. "Go away." Jimmy interrupted.

"What?" Michael asked angrily. Gunfire from Jimmy's tv played loudly in the background. "Go watch your linear entertainment. Go watch porn. Just go away." Jimmy trailed off.

"You little shit," I heard a loud crash that caused me to jump and I looked towards my door. "Fuck you!"

"What the fuck?!" Jimmy cried

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"What the fuck?!" Jimmy cried.

"Disrespectful little asshole!" Michael shouted. "I can't believe you did that that's my TV!" Jimmy whined.

"You don't talk to me like that!"

"I can't believe you- mom was right about you! You don't know any better and you can't help it but you're an asshole!" Jimmy yelled.

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