43: Reuniting The Family

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just lay in the atmospherea casual affair

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just lay in the atmosphere
a casual affair

"Bye. I love you." I said. I held out my hand with a grin. Trevor chuckled and shook it. "I love you too." I didn't kiss him in fear of anyone watching and getting a photo. At this point, I was almost more afraid of Daniel seeing it than Trevor.

I got out of the truck and walked up to my front door. I turned and waved at Trevor before walking inside and taking my jacket off. I could hear thuds and bumping around coming from the kitchen and my heart dropped. Did someone break in!?

I quietly pulled off my shoes, then I went over to the couch and slightly lifted a cushion and found the gun for safety purposes, and then edged towards the kitchen. I heard groaning and coughing. I hid around the corner towards the entrance to the garage. I took a deep breath, then peaked around the wall.

"What?! What are you doing here?" I cried. Michael stood at the counter drinking whiskey. But he was covered in blood. It felt as if the layer of relaxation and freedom had melted off and the cold dirty one came back on.

"Good to see you missed me." He said sympathetically. "I've been held hostage."

"What? You texted me and told me you were on a vacation?" I said. I lowered the gun.

"No. I've been held by the Chinese. It's Trevor's fault. And I'm glad the first time I see you in two weeks, you're standing behind a gun." He said. Then he sighed as I set the gun on the counter next to me.

"Can't we just get along?" He asked and walked past me with the glass of whiskey. "And why are you dressed like that? Put some clothes on." I was glad I at least didn't walk in with Trevor.


I spent a whole half hour getting ready to go out with Trevor. All I could hear was Michael's old movies blaring downstairs and I can honestly say I didn't miss that. I was once again wearing sweatpants and a t shirt and my converse with my hair in a bun. The only reason I took so long was because I took a shower.

I was walking down the stairs when the front doors opened and my heart dropped. Was someone breaking in? For the second time? No, it was Jimmy.

"Jimmy!" I shouted and jogged down the stairs. I ran up to him and hugged him. I actually missed this idiot even though I'd seen him on my birthday. It felt weird to see him at home for once.

"Hey Alana." Jimmy smiled.

"Look at my tattoo." I said and turned around and lifted my shirt to show him.

"Oh shit," he said and ran his finger over the ink. "That's cool. Where's dad?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Where he always is." I pointed to the living room. Jimmy went and stood in the door way. I stood behind him and saw Michael was asleep in his suit on the couch.

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