(American Idiots; 11/9/16)

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Okay, so the election happened.

I'm gonna say this straight forward.

Unfollow me if you support/voted for trump. Delete my book from your library or read lists. Unfollow me on other social media.

(Also the 3rd party, you wasted your votes)

All my life I've been a republican, but only because I've been following after my mom and grandma. I thought that was the only way, that democrats were earths devils.
At the beginning of the campaigns I wanted Ted Cruz because he's a Christian republican. And I'd get so angry when I heard that stupid zodiac killer shit. Grow up.
But now in 2016 I am 16 years old and in 10 grade and a sophomore in high school and I finally researched them all for myself.

In history class when I was supposed to be paying attention, I read over Hillary's policies because I knew from the start I would never want Trump.

I found myself agreeing with Hillary on almost every topic there was. And from that point on, I was with her.

But because of that, I was in a way shunned and put down by my family. They would tell me they were embarrassed of me, that I could go live with my dad and change my last name to his (because that's an insult) and I'm a dirty democrat. My mom has made me feel stupid repeatedly over this and I'm sick of it. Im old enough to have an opinion and I'm sick of it being shoved in the dirt.

I have cried 6 times in the last 13 hours ever since I found out Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. A state that acts as if we are up on a high horse, like we are so perfect and amazing and we can conquer anything.

We can't. This country has turned into a shit hole.

How could someone possibly vote for trump?

Did we forget the "locker room" talk? The "if Ivanka wasn't my daughter I'd date her"? His hateful words towards women? The fact that they had to take his Twitter away from him for a bit because he is too childish to handle it? "Grab her by the pussy"?

Not to mention all the hate crimes now. A black church was burned down and someone wrote Vote Trump on it.

I've heard boys say "I'm glad Trump is president now we can do what we want to girls".

And like the first state to give Trump their vote was Alabama but Alabama is a cousin lover hick town state so of course they did.

One of the worst moments of my life was today when a boy who I hate very much and I've vocalized my hate for Trump to him many times, rubbed his hat that said Make America Great Again in my face in the hallway

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One of the worst moments of my life was today when a boy who I hate very much and I've vocalized my hate for Trump to him many times, rubbed his hat that said Make America Great Again in my face in the hallway.

I wish that every Trump voter/supporter could look every LGBT, ever POC, every Muslim, everyone that isn't a straight white cis rich male and realize what they've done. They crime they have committed.

I hope my kids will never have to deal with anything like this (but I don't plan on ever having kids to begin with)

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I hope my kids will never have to deal with anything like this (but I don't plan on ever having kids to begin with). This is an embarrassment.

This photo struck me hard today

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This photo struck me hard today. Everytime I see it I tear up (my eyes did as I am typing this) can you not see the grief and pain on their faces? But notice the rich white boys are happy.

Did you see the video of Trump's son Barron or whatever? He is said to be showing signs of hearing blatant lies and looks uncomfortable and upset the whole time Trump is giving his speech. Barron didn't even acknowledge him when he talked about him.
Barron can see through the bullshit.

Now Obama and Biden, I'm going to miss them. I remember when I was 8 years old I found out in my hotel room in Disney land Obama was president and I remember throwing my Mickey Mouse stuffed toy at the TV because I thought my gma would be proud of me for being angry because back then, I followed there beliefs.

But now, I wish soooo had he could have a third term. I'll miss you guys a whole bunch, they were my childhood.

Bottom line, Hillary isn't perfect, but she's so much better than Trump.

🏳️‍🌈Make America GAY Again🏳️‍🌈
#ImWithHer, #ImStillWithHer, #IllAlwaysBeWithHer 💖
Stay safe
-Alana Voyles

Thanks to my queen Lena Dunham for making me feel comfortable and safe for liking Hillary

Once I commented on her photo "clarathesavage my grandma said she's embarrassed of me cause I like hillary but Lena makes me feel better about it"
And Lena replied

Once I commented on her photo "clarathesavage my grandma said she's embarrassed of me cause I like hillary but Lena makes me feel better about it" And Lena replied

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