13: Sandy Shores

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"Hey, Alana." Someone pushed on my shoulder. I groaned and hugged the plush pillow I'd been gripping tighter.

"Wake up." They continued. I opened my eyes and saw Franklin standing above me. "We gotta get a early start to Sandy Shores. Your dad said as soon as possible."

I groaned again. "Of course he did." I remarked in my half asleep voice. "He's selfish enough to drag me into all this and can still be a jerk to make me wake up at the butt crack of dawn."
Franklin chuckled.

"I'm up, I'm up." I said while pushing myself to a sitting position. I rubbed my eyes and felt Chop shift beside me. He had been laying against my back when I woke up.

Franklin walked into his closet and began pulling out clothes to wear.

I pulled the cover off me and swung my legs over the side of his bed. I realized I was wearing only underwear, a sports bra and Evan's flannel from yesterday. I quickly cover myself again with Franklin's sheet.

"I have cereal. If you're hungry." Franklin said as he walked towards the door with his clothes in his arms. Or we could stop at some place and get something to go."

"I'll just eat cereal." I said while yawning. "Alright dog, I'll set boxes on the counter for you." Franklin left the room and I heard him jog up the stairs. I pushed myself up to my feet and searched through my bag for an outfit to wear. I decided on just another pair of shorts. I normally wear athletic shorts along with everyone else, sometimes jean shorts. Amanda thinks it's a big deal that I don't wear much else but she literally wears the same thing everyday, a red tank top and sweatpants. I laid the outfit out on the foot of the bed and only pulled the shorts on.

I went upstairs and to Franklin's kitchen still dressed in my pajamas. Franklin was outside with Chop. He had set out two different cereals, Cheerios and some cinnamon brand. I found a bowl and a spoon after rummaging through his cabinets. I sat at his table, wishing I had brought my phone with me since it was quiet except for the radio playing rap on low volume.

I just thought about how much Sandy Shores sucked. Nobody out there has probably even heard the word 'internet' or 'wifi'.

I saw Franklin walk for the entrance of his house along the huge windows while I finished my cereal. He was fully dressed and Chop followed by his side, panting with his tongue out.

Franklin saw me sitting at the table. "You want more?" He asked while looking at my empty bowl. "No, I'm good thanks." I say.

Franklin took the bowl from my hands. "I got it. Get ready."

"Thank you." I replied and turned on my heel. We went our separate ways and I jogged down the stairs. I changed into the outfit and kept Evan's flannel on, brushed my hair and teeth. I didn't bother with makeup, I just slipped on a pair of aviator sunglasses.

I grabbed my bag and slung it on my back and went upstairs. Franklin slouched on his couch on his phone. He looked up at me once I entered the room.

"Alright, let's go." He said and stood. We went outside and I saw a few people standing around. Once they saw us they shouted my name. I rolled my eyes and jogged to the car while ignoring their rabid chants.

Once Franklin was situated in his chair he turned to me, "What the fuck?"

I shrugged and looked at the few people standing around. "Sorry. They'll go away." I said. Franklin started the car and backed out of the driveway. I wish he'd back over the overly annoying people.

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