58: Covered In The Colors

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"How did you get that way?""I don't know

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"How did you get that way?"
"I don't know."

My phone rang, cutting off Trevor and I's make out session

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My phone rang, cutting off Trevor and I's make out session. He groaned as I pulled away and my heart pounded as I saw Amanda.

"Be quiet," I told Trevor and then answered. "Hello?"

"Hey honey, where are you?" She asked.

"Oh I'm at... The ice cream place. Shop." I said quickly while looking at Trevor. He stuck his tongue out and acted like he was eating ice cream but I knew it was a metaphor for something else. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ooh, get me a chocolate cone." Amanda said. Trevor dropped to his knees in front of me. He pulled my skirt up and I gasped a bit when his lips sucked on the inside of my thighs. I wanted to punch him.

"Sorry, it's so cold." I said as an explanation for the gasp.

"Actually, get me strawberry." Amanda ignored it.

"Haha funny." I replied with fake emotion while watching Trevor.

"I'm serious." Amanda said.

"Doesn't ice cream ruin yoga?"

"Nope," Amanda said. "See you soon. With my ice cream." Then she hung up.

"Oh shit." I said mostly to myself.

"What?" Trevor asked from between my legs.

"I gotta get Amanda ice cream now." I grumbled and gently pushed Trevor away with my leg.

As usual, I'd spent the day with Trevor and it was nearly 5 pm and I needed to get home to cut off any suspicion Amanda or Michael might have about me being gone so much. Break up with him.

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