Christmas Day

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A/N: Hey, guys. Here's my first one shot. Hope you like it. Its not continued from the finale. The one shots are just random. 

*Jasmine's POV

It's Christmas eve and me, Delia and Garrett are all going to Lindy's and Logan's for Christmas.  I can't wait. I love hanging out there, especially because I get to hang out with my boyfriend. Logan and I have been dating for the past two months. I'm so excited. "Jasmine, honey. Are you ready? I told Nora I'd have you there by 4:00, thats 15 minutes, come on!", my mom shouts from downstairs. "Alright, I'm just making sure I have everything."  2 minutes later we leave. 

*Logan's POV

I'm hanging out downstairs with Lindy, Garrett and Delia, waiting for Jasmine. "What's taking Jas so long? She's only like 10 minutes away." I notice Delia smirk as I say that. "Aw, are you missing your girlfriend? Don;t worry, you can make out with her when she arrives", she says laughing, I give her  a weirded out look. "Ok, look. Its not that I want to kiss her, I just wanna see her. Is it seriously wrong to see my girlfriend?" "Dude, calm down. Delia's just teasing. Delia, I think it's sweet.", Garrett says obviously wanting to laugh. "Thanks, Garrett. And it's that I have found the perfect gift to give her tomorrow and I can't wait." I notice Lindy still hanging christmas ornaments on the tree. "Lindy, what are you doing? It looks fine!" "i'm making it better, its still not perfect!" i role my eyes. She's still obsessed with christmas decorations? Oh god.  "Hey, Logan. What did you get Jas?" "I'm not showing or telling you guys until she opens it tomorrow. Its a surprise for Jasmine and it'll be a surprise for you too.", I tell her feeling for the box in my pocket. 

*Jasmine's POV

I finally arrive. About bloody time! "Bye, sweetie. Have a good time!", my mom yells from the car. "Thanks mom!" i knock on the door to be welcomed by my boyfriend. "Hi, Logan.", I say with a smile. "Hey, Jas. I've missed you." "I've missed you, too, sweetie." He grabs my hand, pulling me into a hug, causing me to put my arm around his neck, whilst he puts his around my waist. "Eww, you guys are gross!"., we hear Delia say, making us pull away. "Jas, you have no idea how much Logan has been going on about seeing you!", Garett says with a laugh. "Garrett!". I look away, giggling.  "Aw, don't worry, honey. I've missed you too." "We, know, Jas. We heard you guys.", Lindy says.  "Now come on. Its time for eggnog.", she continues.

*The next day, christmas day, Logan's POV

It's finally christmas morning! Finally get presents! I really hope I have my game console. I decide to go for breakfast as everyone is still asleep. I sneak out of the basement we were all sleeping there the night before. I manage to sneak out until I hear Lindy. "Hey, Logan. Merry christmas.", she says as she hugs me. "Merry christmas sis." We both head back downstairs to see the others awake. "Sup, guys? Merry christmas." "Merry christmas!" We group hug. "Okay, time for presents, guys!", Lindy says, causing us to break the hug. 

*Jasmine's POV

"Okay, who wants to go first?", I ask with excited. I love present time! "I believe Logan would like to, especially for you, Jas."., Delia says with a giggle. Is something up? I notice Logan looking nervous as she says that. "Okay.", he says with nerves. Logan comes and sits close next to me. "Okay, Jas. I know this is something you've been wanting for a while", Logan tells me with a box in his hand. He opens it. with a necklace that says 'Jasmine' on. (picture) "Merry christmas, Jas", Logan says with a smile. "Oh, my god, Logan. Its beautiful. You got me what I wanted! You're the best boyfriend ever!, I tell him with excitement. Logan looks down, blushing. "I know." Logan turns to me after putting the necklace on me. We lean in and share a sweet kiss, making me smile through it. I hear everyone awing us, causing us to pull away and smile. I turn back to Logan and snuggle into him. "Thank you, my greatest boyfriend." "You're worth it.", he says, putting his arm around me. I really do have the perfect boyfriend.

What did you think? Hope you liked it. If you have any requests for ideas, let me know. I'm thinking about doing a dance one shot as the next one.

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