Asking Jasmine to Prom

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a couple of days - had trouble coming up with new ideas. Here's another S3 shot. Hope you like it.

*Logan's POV

I'm really struggling to come up with ideas to ask Jasmine to junior prom! This is so hard! The next thing I hear is Lindy walking into the basement. "Hey, Logan. What are you doing?" "Working something out." She looks at me confused. "You working?!...Hard?! Okay, who are you and what have you done with my brother?!" I give her a confused look. "I'm not studying,  I'm working out ways to ask Jasmine to prom!" She sighs. "Phew, thats more like it. Not come up with anything yet?" "No! And prom is in three days! What do I do?!"

*Lindy's POV

"No! And prom is in three days! What do I do!", Logan says obviously annoyed! Typical Logan - putting everything off to the last minute. "Well, how to you usually impress Jasmine if you've had to make it up to her?", I ask in wonder. I'm serious, I don;t actually know what they do. I see Logan forming a small smile on his face at the thought of something. I guess my brother is smarter than I think when it comes to stuff like this.

*The next day, Jasmine's POV

In the canteen, I wait for my friends. What's taking them so long? And there's only one thing on my mind right now - why hasn't Logan asked me to prom yet! Its two days away and I brought the perfect dress! Ugh! Finally, someone is here - Garrett! "Hey Garrett! Whats up?" He looks at me nervously. "Hey Jaz, nothing much! Why would something be up? I'm totally fine!", he asks laughing nervously. He knows a secret! "Garrett, what's going on...?." He almost looks scared to death. "Nothing! Nothing is going on!", he says again with a nervous laugh. "Okay....well, I'll be right back. I have to get something from my locker". Actually, I don't, I just wanna try to find my friends. With that being said, I leave the cafeteria and start to look for my friends, only to decide to stop at my locker to freshen up my makeup. Hey, I gotta look good, right?

*Garrett's POV

Hopefully Jasmine brought that. I actually know whats going on - Logan's got a surprise - sotta - for Jasmine, but of course I couldn't tell her whilst she was here. Lindy and Delia then walk in and I look at Lindy and feel a.....blush on my cheek?

*Jasmine's POV

I open my locker to find a bunch of red roses  (image) in there and nothing else apart from my makeup of course The next thing I hear is music playing and I turn around to see Logan coming over to me. He gets hold of my hand and I feel my heart beat a thousand times quicker than usual. Is this finally it? "Jaz, I know how long you've waited for this, so I wanna make it extra-special for you. Will you do me the honour of being my date to junior prom?", he asks with a hopeful look and a smile. I bite my lip and smile at the question. I look around see everyone with 'aw' looks on their faces. I turn back to Logan and smile. "Yes.". I put the flowers down for a second and hug Logan with everyone cheering. Prom is gonna be so amazing, I can't wait.

Hope you liked this one. I think I killed myself writing it lol. Just the thought of Logan asking Jasmine in that way - god, it would so kill me! What would you like next? I'm still struggling with ideas. 

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