Can I Have This Dance?

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Hey guys so I decided to do another song shot  for Season 3 and I decided to do one of my favourite love songs from my childhood(and movie) - from HSM3 - "Can I Have This Dance?" Its just so romantic and brings back childhood memories. Hope you like it.  1:24 -2:36 is my favourite part!

*Logan's POV

In the basement, I get ready for my date with Jasmine. She told me she would like to watch a movie so  I have to try to find one. Its so useless! I swear, I can't be bothered to do this right now! I've been trying to find a good one for like the past hour! This is ridiculous! About a minute later, Jasmine walks in and I get off the floor. "Hey Logan.", she smiles. I walk over to her and hug her. "Hey." "Why were you on the floor?" I sigh. I knew you wanted to watch a movie so I was trying to find a good one, but it was no use!  Sorry, but I eventually gave up when you came in." Jasmine smiles. "Aw, thats the Logan I know and love." I feel a blush appear on my cheek. "Love you too, Jas." She giggles. "I know. And don't worry, I brought one of my favourites." "Really? What movie?" I see Jasmine go into her bag and pull a movie out. "High School Musical 3!" I look at her confusingly. "Really? Well, its up to you. Go put it in." Seriously? High School Musical 3? Well, she is my girlfriend and I do wanna make her happy. Maybe I'll enjoy this more than I think.

*Jasmine's POV

During the movie, I can't help, but sing along to the songs! I love them so much! However, I see Logan looking at me curiously during a duet, but he doesn't join in, which kinda upsets me since he is my boyfriend and it is a love song - "Right Here, Right Now." Although, he does seem to like the solo's I do and I'm not embarrassed in  front of him since I love singing so much. Later in the movie, my favourite song comes on - "Can I Have This Dance?" Yes! I just hope Logan joins in on this one as it is super romantic. 

*Logan's POV

Ya know? Im actually starting to like this movie, I can't let Garrett, Delia or Lindy know, especially Garrett or I'll never hear the end of it! The Troy Bolton guy is actually pretty cool and reminds me of me! I see Jasmine stand up, I bet she's gonna wanna dance to this as I know its her favourite song from the movie and whole franchise. I decide to make it up to her as I know she wants to sing a duet. I get off the couch and slowly reach for her hand. "Hey, Jasmine. Can I have this dance?" She looks at me surprised. She sure wasn't expecting me to ask her that or want to dance to this. "I thought you'd never ask." The music on the TV starts to play and I walk closer to Jasmine with a smile on my face.

*Jasmine's POV

Wow, Logan actually wants to dance and sing to this? He's made up for it. Logan slowly walks closer to me and I reach my hand out for him to grab it. 

Jasmine: Take my hand, take a breath. Pull me close and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine" Logan and I hold hands properly as we start to slow dance. I continue. "And let the music be your guide.

Logan:  Won;t you promise me

Jasmine: Now, won't you promise me that you'll never forget...

Logan: We'll keep dancing...

Jasmine: To keep dancing...

Both: Wherever we go next.  Its like light catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you!

*Logan's POV 

I keep hold of Jasmine's hand as we keep slow dancing and she smiles with excitement. I spin her, making her smile even more. 

Both: Its one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do.

Jasmine and I look eyes as she comes much closer to me. 

Both: And with every step together, we just keep on getting better! 

Jasmine starts wrapping her arms around my neck as I pull her in close and she smiles. 

Jasmine: So can I have this dance...?

Logan: Can I have this dance..?

Both: Can I have this dance?

*Jasmine's POV

Wow, this is so much fun! Logan's actually an awesome singer! He's like my Troy. Logan reaches his hand out for me to take it.

Logan: Take my hand, I'll take the lead. 

I smile, take his hand and step closer.

Logan: And every turn will be save with me

Logan spins me again, making me smile. I put my hand on his shoulder, still holding his hand as he continues singing, just like Troy and Gabriella. I start to wrap my arms slowly around his neck as he sings the lyrics: "Don't be afraid, afraid to fall. You know I'll catch you through it all" and still holding my waist, Logan slowly dips me like Troy does with troy and Gabriella and it makes me feel like Cinderella .We continue waltzing again as he continues to sing and I eventually join in.

Logan: And you can't keep...

Jasmine: Even thousand miles....

Logan: Can't keep us apart 

Jasmine: Can't keep us apart...

Logan: Cause my heart...

Both: Cause my heart is wherever you are! its like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you. Its one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on, getting better 

Jasmine: so, can i have this dance..?

Logan: Can I have this dance?

Both: Can I have this dance? 

*Logan's POV

I spin Jasmine as we sing the last part of the chorus - "Can I have this dance..?" I pick Jasmine up like Troy does with Gabriella and I see Jasmine smiling.

Jasmine: Oooh, no mountain's too high and no ocean's too wide..

Both:  Cause together or not, our dance won't stop. Let it rain, let it pour, what we have is worth fighting for 

Jasmine: I know I believe...

Both: That we were meant to be....yeah! Its light catching lightning , the chances of finding someone like you!

Jasmine: Like you! 

I get hold of Jasmine's hand and spin her around as we continue.

Both: Its one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance?  Can I have this dance? 

I spin Jasmine again and she smiles, coming closer to me. 

Both: Can I have this dance?

Whilst singing the final line, Jasmine wraps her arms around my neck like Gabriella does with Troy and we lock eyes. As the song comes to an end, I slowly lean into Jasmine and she follows. I press my lips against her's, starting a long, romantic kiss and I feel her smiling through it, making me smile also.

*Jasmine's POV

As Logan kisses me, I start smiling through it, not wanting to let go and I then feel him also smiling through it. After probably a couple of minutes, we both pull away in need of air and smile at each other. "Ya, know. This movie's actually pretty good, no wonder you like this song so much.", Logan smirks at me. What a flirt! I giggle at his comment and look down, blushing.. He obviously liked this as much as me. "Haha, funny, Logan. Now lets continue the movie." After letting go of Logan. we make our way back to the couch and I smile to myself over what just happened. As we continue the rest of the movie, I snuggle closer to Logan as he puts his arm around me and we continue the movie. 

Hope you liked this as much as I liked writing it. I think I killed myself writing this lol. Just imagine Jogan doing this! There would be feels everywhere! I definitely feel like Jasmine and Logan are the next Troy and Gabriella. 

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