6 Month Anniversary

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Sorry for not updating much, kinda stopped watching IDDI since it ended and I've really gotten back into Liv and Maddie, its my favourite show now, no longer IDDI, but I decided to update today as it is Jasmine and Logan's 6 month anniversary and I do still ship Jogan.  Just don't be surprised if I don't update for ages, possibly until their 1 year anniversary. 

Logan's POV

Garrett and I are hanging out (top image) playing video games and I suddenly pause it. Garrett looks at me annoyed. "Dude, why did you stop the game?!" I put the controller down. "I gotta go, its mine and Jasmine's 6 month anniversary today!" I blush with enthusiasm and Garrett roles his eyes. "I can't believe you guys have been together that long. How can you get a girlfriend and I can't?!" I start laughing at him. "I don't know, but hey, I gotta go." I leave his house 

Jasmine's POV

I arrive at the basement to see Lindy there, but not Logan

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I arrive at the basement to see Lindy there, but not Logan. "Hey Jaz." "Hey Linds. Where's Logan?" She looks around. "I think he's out, why do you need him?" I give her a confused look. "Seriously? Its my 6 month anniversary with Logan today." I blush and smile to myself at the comment. "Aw, thats so cute. I can't believe you guys have been together for 6 months." I smile again. "Yeah,  its the longest relationship I've had. He's so amazing Honestly, i've never been so happy with a boyfriend. I really do love him." Logan walks in, smiling. "Hey guys." "Logan!" He walks over,  handing me a bouquet of red roses before hugging me, making me smile (second image). We pull back after a couple of minutes. "Happy anniversary, Jaz." I blush and smile. "Happy anniversary." We suddenly hear Lindy and turn around. "Aw, you guys are so perfect for each other. Enjoy that date." I look down, smiling to myself. "Come on Jaz. We better get going," Logan reaches his hand out so I can take it and we leave the basement. 

Logan's POV

Jasmine and I make our way to the movies to watch a 2 hour romantic movie

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Jasmine and I make our way to the movies to watch a 2 hour romantic movie. Okay, two hours seems like ages, but at least I have Jasmine. After the movie, Jasmine and I make our way to Rumble Juice. I know its not much, but its our thing and we love to do it.  We sit down at the table. "To our us", I smile and she blushes quite a lot. "To us" We raise our glasses and she giggles. "Oh hey. Here's a little something." Jasmine looks at me, smiling as she takes the gift out of my hand. She opens the box to see a ring in there (third image) and looks at me shocked. "Logan, is this what I think it is?" I look at her questionably. Does she think its an engagement ring? "You got me a promise ring?" I sigh in relief a bit so that she won't hear. "Yeah, because I promise to love you forever." Jasmine looks at me lovingly and smiles. "Logan, that's so romantic. I love you." I chuckle a bit, smiling. I love you too." We get up and hug again.

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I stand there for a while, hugging again, before we find ourselves gazing and staring into each other's eyes

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Logan and I stand there for a while, hugging again, before we find ourselves gazing and staring into each other's eyes. Logan slowly leans into me and I follow his lead. I find myself very much smiling against the kiss and still smiling as we pull away (forth image). I'm so lucky to have him.

Aw, hope you liked this one. Sorry not great, struggled on idea.

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