Finding Out - The Gang Reunites!

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This is set 10 years after finale, when they're like 26/27. 

Jasmine's POV

I can't believe Logan and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. I am so happy I married the man of my dreams. I always thought of Logan and I as just friends until freshman year of high school, when I first realised I loved him. "Hey Jaz, have you been wondering more about our future?", Logan asks me nervously and I smile. "More? What more could I ask for?  I married the man of my dreams." Logan smiles, blushing at my comment. "But I wouldn't mind more if you know what I mean", I smirk and he smirks back at me, obviously knowing what I mean.

Logan's POV

I pick Jasmine up, by her legs, carrying her into our bedroom and she lies down on the bed

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I pick Jasmine up, by her legs, carrying her into our bedroom and she lies down on the bed. I take my shirt off (second image), lying on top of her, kissing her very passionately as she wraps one hand around my neck, making me enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would and we're like this for several hours.

Jasmine's POV, 2 weeks later

During the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling really kinda weird and ill, but I don't know why. In bed, I'm lying there feeling so down, I can't really explain and its almost like I can't move! Logan comes in a minute later with a tray of breakfast, smiling. "Here you go Jaz. Breakfast in bed. How are you feeling?" I smile slightly. "Thank you, Logan. Not really any better, but I'm gonna go to the doctors later to see what's up." Man, even now, I hate going to the doctors. This is so not gonna be fun!

Logan's POV

At home, after a while of drumming, I decide to stop and start to pack the drums away, until I hear the door open. Jasmine walks in and I turn to her with the cymbal in my hand. "Jaz, are you okay? What happened?" She looks at me nervously. "Um, before I tell you, I would put that cymbal down if I were you, so you don't freak out." I laugh a bit, giving her a confused look. "Please Jaz. What could you possibly say that will make me drop the cymbal?" "I'm pregnant". I stand there in silence, dropping the cymbal, looking at it briefly before turning back to Jasmine (top image). "I'm sorry what?" Jasmine moves slightly closer. "I'm pregnant." "Wow Jaz, thats amazing." She looks at me confused.

Jasmine's POV

"Really you're happy about this?", I ask nervously and he smiles

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"Really you're happy about this?", I ask nervously and he smiles. "Of course I am. We're gonna be parents and I honestly, kinda thought we would be ready now." I smile, bitting my lip at Logan's comment. "Yeah, me too. Jasmine loves Logan." Logan smiles, rolling his eyes a bit. "Logan loves Jasmine (third image)." I giggle, running my hand over his chest. "You know what this reminds me of?" Logan smiles, blushing. "How could I forget? The best day of my life - when you became my girlfriend." I blush at the memory. "Yep and now wife. Didn't see that comin'!", I laugh and Logan roles his eyes, smiling again. "I know right. Come on, we gotta tell everybody." Logan gets hold of my arm, pulling me out of the house on the way to Rumble Juice.

Lindy's POV

Garrett and I get text's from

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Garrett and I get text's from....Jasmine and Logan! Wow! They want us to meet them at Rumble Juice. Its actually been a while since we've seen each other - three years! Of course we have kept in touch, but because of our busy lives, we've not been able to actually see one another - or Delia! We arrive at Rumble Juice to see Jasmine, Logan and Delia there and limitedly hug (forth image). "Oh my god, its amazing to see you guys!", I exclaim. "You too.", Jasmine says, hugging me and Delia again and Logan and Garrett high five. "I can't believe how long its been!", Logan exclaims. Garrett laughs. "I know! I've missed you guys so much!", Delia says with enthusiasm. "So, Delia, where's you're man? Have you got one?", I ask. She looks at me slightly offended. "Yes I do. His name is Mark, but he unfortunately couldn't make it, because of work." I look at her, kinda sadly. "What a shame. It would have been really nice to see him."  "Yeah, he really wishes he could meet you guys too."

Logan's POV 

"So, what was the big news you two wanted to tell us?", Garrett asks

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"So, what was the big news you two wanted to tell us?", Garrett asks. Jasmine snuggles closer to me, placing her hand on my chest, smiling (fifth image). "Logan and I are gonna be expecting our first child soon". There's silence for a moment, before I see Delia and Lindy starting to freak out. "Oh my god, that is amazing, I'm so happy for you guys!" "Me too!", Delia and Lindy say in illusion. "Me too. Congrats guys", Garrett says, smiling. "I wonder when Lindy and I will have our first one too" We all look at Garrett surprised at his comment and Lindy looks him, obviously blushing. "We should do meet up more often. I can't believe we have't seen each other in like three years. Lets not leave it that long again", I say as everyone nods. "I agree. Especially because you're my brother. That is bad, not really seeing my brother in three years." "Yeah, love you sis." Lindy roles her eyes playfully, smiling. "Love you too, Logan". Everyone aw's at us.

Jasmine's POV

Delia looks down at her phone

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Delia looks down at her phone. "Sorry guys, its getting late. I better go, it was so great to see you all again." We all look at each other sadly. "Yeah, it was. Good look with that baby guys, and we'll see you again sometime", Garrett says sounding like he's about to cry and honestly, I feel like I'm gonna burst into laughter. "I love you guys", Lindy says sounding like she's chocking up. "Don't cry, Lindz, or you'll make me cry!", I say, actually wanting to cry. "Aw, Jaz, don't worry, come on, we better get going too.", Logan says as he puts his arm around me.  The five of us walk off, and Logan and  I head home, following the others (sixth image).

Aw, hope you liked this one! What should I do as other shots? I'm starting to struggle with ideas.

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