Drum Lessons

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Here's another Season 3 shot. More drum lessons. 😃

*Logan's POV

In the basement, I get my drums set up. This is gonna be so cool. I'm giving Jasmine more drum lessons. This is gonna be awesome, especially now that she's my girlfriend. It has been ages since our last lesson (Drum Beats, Heart Beats). I really hope we don't get interrupted again!....unlike last time.

*Jasmine's POV

I arrive at Lindy and Logan's and knock on the front door, to be welcomed by Lindy. "Hey, Jas. What are you doing here?" I look at her slightly surprised. "Didn't Logan tell you? He's giving me more drum lessons.". I bite my lip and blush at the comment. I see Lindy smiling and starting to smirk, "Oh, yeah, he did tell me. Well, he's downstairs in the basement. You two have fun, but not too much," With that being said, I role my eyes and head downstairs. I hear and see Logan rocking the drums again and he obviously doesn't hear me, do I decide to have a little fun and sneak up on my boyfriend and make him jump. I hope this works.

*Logan's POV

As I start playing, as usual, I get so lost in the music. Its just me and my drums until I hear one word. "Boo!" I am immediately alerted and fall to the ground. "Oh, Logan, sweetie! Sorry, I didn't think you would fall. Are you okay?" I turn around to see my girlfriend. "Hey, Jaz. Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for that", I say as I feel Jasmine holding my hand and helping me get up off the ground. Jasmine smiles and roles her eyes. We let go of our hands. "So, you ready for another lesson?" She bites her lip. "Yeah. This will be way more fun now that we're....you know", she says  blushing. I blush at the thought of her still being her boyfriend. She's right, this will be fun.

*Jasmine's POV

I sit on the stool, again trying not to fall. This is gonna be great, especially because Logan and I are alone again. Ever since we started dating, we don't get that much time on our own as we're always with our friends and they mostly complain if we're cuddling or acting all cutesy around each other. "So, you remember how to play?", Logan asks with a smile. I swear, that smile makes me melt every time. Of course I remember, but I act as if I don't so that Logan can help me a little. Hey, if I can't get some attention from my boyfriend now, when can I? "Uh, no.", I lie. "Can you help me?". I give him a flirtatious smile and he blushes and roles his eyes. "Alright." Logan gets behind me and holds the sticks in my hand, just like the first time. I love it so much.

*Logan's POV

I know what Jasmine's doing, but hey. I shouldn't complain. This is better than the last time when I couldn't really make a move on her because she was with someone else, but now that Jasmine's with me, we can basically do whatever we want. I get hold of her hands. (Image) "Okay, so remember? You hold the sticks as if there's a small bird in your hand." I hear Jasmine giggle as I say that and turn to her with a smile. "What?" "That reminds me of what you said during our first lesson", she says laughing. I blush at the memory. "Oh, yeah. That was really fun. Especially the second lesson when we almost-" I cut myself off  not mentioning the almost kiss and give Jasmine a flirty look. She obviously knows that I mean because she looks down, blushing and smiling to herself. She obviously remembers it just as well as I do. "Okay, so  paradiddle, paradiddle, paradiddle", I tell her still holding her and I see her smiling

*Jasmine's POV

I can't help, but smile as Logan helps me. I turn to him, whilst smiling. I feel myself slip off the stool...again. "Whoa!" I fall and look up to see myself in Logan's arms. He smiles and I smile. "Well, I guess we're at it again", I say with a giggle. Logan smirks. "Yep, and this time without any interruptions." I see Logan leaning into me and I smile, following his movement. . "Hey, guys sorry to interrupt, but I-whoa!" We hear Lindy and pull away. She stands nearby, smiling."Oh, sorry, did I interrupt your 'lesson'?", she says with a smirk and giggling. I look at Logan and we both blush. "Uh, no. We had just finished actually. I was just about to take Jaz out on another date", Logan tells his sister as he puts his arm around me, I smile and snuggle into his neck. I follow his lead. "Uh, yeah. We're going to the movies.", I say in excitement. Lindy obviously doesn't buy it though. "Riiight. Well, have fun", she says with a laugh. And with that, Logan gets hold of my hand and we head to the movie theatre for another date....or something else. This is gonna be awesome.

Hope you liked this shot. Just thought I would do another one like Drum Beats, Heart Beats, but better now that Jasmine and Logan are actually dating. I loved writing it! 💖

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