The Talk

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Here's another S4 shot

*Jasmine's POV

I walk into the Watson basement, ready for my movie date with Logan and I see him sitting there staring into space. That is until he obviously hears me. "Hey Jaz. You ready for that movie?", he smiles and I feel like melting inside. "Yeah. Uh, but there's something I wanna talk to you about before we go. About us". He looks at me worriedly. "Uh, ok." I sit next to Logan on the couch and he looks nervous. "You don't wanna break up, do you?!", he asks in worry and I giggle a bit. "No, of course not!" Logan sighs and I scotch closer to him. "Ok, good, because I'm never letting you go again." I feel a slight blush heat up my cheeks. "Aw, you're so sweet. What I wanted to ask was...." I cut myself off in nerves and look down. "Yeah?", he comments with obvious confusion - isn't he cute? I look up slightly, facing him again. "Well, I've been thinking about us....a lot."

*Logan's POV

I look at Jasmine worriedly as she constantly cuts herself off. "Jasmine, are you ok?" "I'm fine. I'm just a bit nervous." I look at her worried again and hold her hand. "What's there to be worried about Jaz? I mean, sure graduation is in a few weeks and then our future, but that's nothing to worry about." Jasmine gives me a confused look. "Yeah. Our future. That's what I'm worried about. Our future together", she says scared and I look deeply into her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. "Aw, Jaz. You don't have to worry. I've been thinking about our future together too, actually." Jasmine looks at me surprised, but smiles. "You have?" I feel a slight blush heat up my cheeks and I rub the back of my neck. "Uh, yeah. Look, I know we're young, but there is one thing I'm sure of, and that's that I'm not letting you go again...ever. There's only one girl that I'd wanna spend my future with and she's you." Jasmine looks at me teary eyed and very touched. "Logan, thats so sweet. Since when did you get so deep with something like this?", she laughs. I look away slightly confused. That says a lot when you confuse yourself doesn't it?  "I guess ever since we started going out.", I chuckle. Jasmine smiles and bites her lip. "I've actually...kinda been thinking about a lot with our future... like our wedding", Jasmine smiles briefly before her eyes go wide. What did she just say? "Sorry, Jaz. What did you just say?", I ask repeating my thoughts. Jasmine looks at me nervously, nervously playing with, and twirling her hair. 

*Jasmine's POV

I just realised what I just said, dang it! I can't believe I just said wedding! So embarrassing

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I just realised what I just said, dang it! I can't believe I just said wedding! So embarrassing. "Uh, nothing." "Jasmine....?" I give Logan a nervous smile. "Ok, so I might have accidentally said wedding", I laugh nervously and I see Logan smirk. "I knew you did! And I've been thinking about that too, actually.", he comments, rubbing the back of his neck and I smile to myself. Logan's seriously been thinking about it too? Yay! "You never know, Jaz. I might pop you the big question when you least expect it", he chuckles as he gets off the couch. My eyes go wide and I smile to myself before staring into space. Did he seriously just say that? I hope I'm not mishearing him. "Come on, we better go and get to that movie", he continues, walking to the door. Logan turns around to me, in confusion. "Jas, you comin'?" I snap out of my thoughts and smile, standing up. "Yeah, lets go."  Logan waits for me, whilst I put my jacket on and I snuggle into him when he puts his arm around me as we walk out the door. (Second image) Can't wait, but there is also still only one thought in my head - that I could potentially become Jasmine Watson in the near future! - Imagine that! 

Aw, hope you liked this one! 😍 Any ideas for shots?  A wedding? Or the way I would want the S4/series finale to end? Or both?

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