Relationship Misunderstanding

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Here's the one from Season 3, where Jasmine and Logan get into a misunderstanding, but of course they make up. Creds to whoever gave me this idea, I can't remember who it was,  lol

Jasmine's POV

I walk into Rumble Juice for my date with Logan, only to find he isn't here. "Hey, Betty, have you seen Logan?" She looks at me confused. "Logan who?" I look at her weirdly. "My best friend's brother, my boyfriend." "Oh, right. He hasn't turned up, sorry Jasmine." With that being said, she walks into the other room and I sit on the couch and wait. After about almost an hour of waiting, Logan still isn't here so I decide to leave. I can't believe he has stood me up. I get to the door and Logan approaches me. "Logan, where have you been?! I've been waiting for almost an hour and you never turned up!", I say very hurt. He looks at me nervously. "Sorry Jasmine, there was a situation with-", he says before I cut him off. 

*Logan's POV

"How could you miss our date? I thought you took our relationship seriously, I do!", Jasmine shouts at me and not gonna lie, I feel scared. She seriously thinks I don't take our relationship seriously? "Jasmine I do! I was late, because-", I say nervously and she looks at me obviously wanting an explanation. "Yes?" "I-" I say before she cuts me off again. "That's what I thought.", she says about to cry and walks out of the room. Please tell me I haven't just lost Jasmine again! (Falling for Who  reference, when Logan lost Jasmine to Owen) I head home and walk into the basement, to find Lindy there. "Logan, are you okay? What happened?". She gets up off the couch. "I think Jasmine just broke up with me.", I say almost wanting to cry. "What? What happened?" I sit on the couch and Lindy follows me, and puts her arm around me. "I tried to explain to her why I was almost an hour late for our date, but she didn't give me a chance. I don't wanna lose her again." Lindy notices how sad I am. "Aw, Logan, I'm sorry. Maybe she hasn't broken up with you. Do you want me to talk to her? I mean, it is technically my fault", she says in sympathy. Lindy is true. Before I left for my date with Jasmine, Lindy asked me for help so I did, which is why I was late for my date, but Jasmine didn't let me explain. "Yeah, it is! Thanks a lot Lindy!", I exclaim and she looks at me hurt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, I'm just really upset", I say apologetic. "Its okay, Logan. I get it." "Thanks. So, you'll try to talk to Jasmine for me, cause she's not gonna talk to me anytime soon?", I ask in sadness. Lindy looks at me again in sympathy. "Of course I will."

*Jasmine's POV

After the argument with Logan, I head home and end up crying on my bed. I can't believe Logan doesn't take our relationship seriously. Does he not care? A little while later, my phone rings. I pick it up to see its Lindy, so I answer it. "Hello?", I ask through my tears. "Jasmine, are you crying?", she asks in worry. "Yes. Why did you call?" "Because I need to explain about Logan." My heart starts to hurt as she says that. "What's there to talk about?" "Logan missing your date is all my fault, not his." My eyes go wide and my tears dry. "What do you mean?" "Logan was just about to leave for his date with you, but I asked for his help with something and it lasted longer than we thought. Logan tried to tell you, but you didn't really give him a chance.He thinks you've dumped him and he's really upset"  I feel guilt inside of me. "Aw, thanks for telling me that, Linds. I'll talk to him tomorrow at school.", I say before hanging up. 

*Logan's POV

The next day at school, I notice Jasmine by her locker from hiding behind the wall at the side. I see her opening her locker and noticing her seeing the flowers I sent her. I walk over to her. "Hey Jaz.", I say by putting my hands around her waist. "Logan, this is fantastic, but what is it for?", she asks with a huge smile on her face. Looks like she forgives me. "It's my way of apologizing for missing the date the other day.", I say with a smile and she looks at me lovingly and touched.

*Jasmine's POV

  "It's my way of apologizing for missing the date the other day.", Logan tells me and I look at him lovingly and touched. Logan's so sweet! "Aw, thank you my greatest boyfriend.", I say with a smile. Logan looks at me happily. He was obviously worried and thought I had broken up with him. "So, we never broke up?", he asks slightly worriedly and I look down, giggling a little. "No, honey. Lindy told me what happened. I'm really sorry for not letting you explain. I was just upset.", I say in sympathy. I feel Logan get hold of my hand and my cheek heats up with blush. "Its okay, Jaz. I could never get mad at you, you're my everything." I look at Logan lovingly and touched.  "Aw, Logan. That's the sweetest thing you have ever said to me. You're the best boyfriend ever!", I exclaim biting my lip.  Logan puts his arm around me as I snuggle into him and we walk down the school hallway. (Image) I look down at the red roses Logan has given me, love them so much. For someone who hasn't had much history with dating, he sure knows how to make a girlfriend happy. I'm so glad he's mine.

Aw ,loved writing this one. I'm thinking about doing an IDDI version of a scene or two of Twilight. I can picture Logan as a vampire. God, he'd be so  sexy! 😍

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