School Dance

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Here's another one shot.  

*Jasmine's POV

I arrive at the school dance in my long, red ball gown (image, the true Jogan colour) with a silver clutch purse and silver shoes. I actually don't want to be here as I don't have  a date. Lindy is going with Andrew and Delia is with Matt whilst even Garrett has  date - Maya! Even Logan has a date - Laura. How the hell does everyone have a date, but me! This is so unfair. A few guys have asked me, but I declined as the guy I want to be here with has a date. - thats right. I wanna be here with Logan.

*Logan's POV

I'm dancing with my date, Laura. Suddenly, I notice Jasmine walking around looking amazing. She comes to me and Laura. "Hi, Jasmine.", Laura says with a smile. "Hey, guys.", Jasmine says as i check her out. "Jas, you look amazing", I say, causing her to blush. "Thanks, Logan. I'll leave you guys, to it.", Jasmine says as she starts walking off. 

*Jasmine's POV

As everyone continues dancing, I decide to leave the hall and go for a walk. Feeling sad, I sit down on a bench. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump. "Hey, Jas." I turn around to see Lindy here. "Lindy, what are you doing here?" "Me? Jas, what are you doing here?" "I might leave. This is no fun.", I tell her looking down. Lindy sits down next to me. "Jasmine, is this about Logan?" I look up, turning to Lindy. "Why would you think this is about Logan?" "Jas, you don't have to fake it. I know you like Logan. I can tell when you like a guy, I'm your best friend." I sigh. "Okay. I admit. I wish I was here with Logan. But he has a date.", I say looking down again. "Jas, Logan likes you. He did want to ask you to the dance, but he was scared of rejection." I look at Lindy as she says that. "Really?" "Yeah. Go talk to him." "Okay." And with that, I head back into the hall.

*Logan's POV

I decide to end the night with Laura. She's a great girl, but I want to be here with Jasmine. I'm standing at the punch bowl stand as I notice Jasmine. (IK, similar to the A&A episode Last Dances & Last Chances) "Hi, Logan." "Hey, Jas." "Where's Laura?" "Oh, I ended it with her. I'd rather be here with the perfect girl" I notice Jasmine blush as I say that. 

*Jasmine's POV

I blush when Logan says he'd rather be with the perfect girl cause I know he means me. Suddenly, a love song plays in the background. 'A Thousand Years' by Cristina Perri, my favourite song! "Hey, Jas. Do you wanna dance?", Logan asks me, making me look down, blushing. "I thought you'd never ask." With that, Logan takes my hand, leading me to the dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. We start slowly swaying to me music and Logan spins me. "Thanks Logan. This is really fun" "Same here", says with a warming smile, that makes my heart beat a mile a minute. So perfect. "Ya know, Jas. I never actually wanted to be here with Laura, I wanted to be here with you.",  I give Logan a touched look and smile, with tears in my eyes. "I always wanted to be here with you too, Logan. I've always wanted too have the perfect dance date. I guess I have the perfect guy after all." I notice Logan blush as I say that and he spins me again. "I really like you, Jas" "I really like you, too. Logan" The next thing I know, Logan leans into me and kisses me gently, which I return. It lasts a couple of minutes, making me smile.  We pull away, smiling at each other. "Now, its perfect and I definetly have the perfect guy.", I tell Logan as we still smile at each other. We keep dancing. Definitely,  a night I'll remember. 

Aw, loved writing this shot. Hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. :)

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