The Break Up - Jasmine Moves Away

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*Logan's POV

Jasmine has texted me to meet her at her house. Apparently she has some important news. Ten minutes later, I finally arrive at her house. (Image) I knock on the door to be greeted by Jasmine's mother. "Hello Logan. What brings you here?" "Uh, hi Mrs. Kang. Jasmine called me and wanted to tell me something" "Ah, yes. She's in her bedroom, come with me" And with that, I follow her into Jasmine's room to find Jasmine on her bed, looking sad. "Hey, Jas. What's up?" "I don't know how to say this, but....I'm moving"

*Jasmine's POV

I notice Logan's mouth drop to the floor when I tell him I'm moving.  I just found out that my dad got a job in New York City and I'm leaving in two days.  Logan sits close to me. "What do you mean your moving?" "My dad got a job in New York City and I'm moving in two days" Logan's eyes widen in shock. "Two days?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!", Logan says obviously slightly angry. "Because I just found out and I didn't know how to tell you!", I shoot back. "But....what about us?", Logan says with sadness in his eyes and I can tell he looks like his heart is breaking. "I don't know, I guess we don't have no choice but to-", I start saying, but stopping myself  before I can continue as I feel tears coming down my check. "I...I don't wanna say it", I say as my voice breaks and I look down. "Yeah, I don't wanna say it either", Logan says getting hold of my hand, obviously knowing what I mean. The next thing I know, I hear the three words I thought I'd never hear. "I love you". When Logan tell me that, I turn to him, crying. "I love you, too". Logan pulls me in for a kiss and we hug after pulling away. I can just feel my heart breaking at the thought of leaving Logan. The hardest thing I've ever had to do or will ever do.

Aww. Sad, I know. Hope you liked this one shot. There will be plenty more. Remember to leave requests if you wish!

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