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This is what I would want in one of the episodes from season 3, if there was to be a third season. The image still kills me! It's so adorable! Just look at Jasmine's face! Awww, what a sweetie! 😍

Jasmine's POV

I walk into Logan and Lindy's basement.  Lindy notices me.  "Hey, Jas." "Hey. Linds." I smile. "What are you doing here? I mean, of course you're always welcome"  "Logan invited me. We're having a  date." I smile. I notice Lindy smirk. "Aw, how cute. Enjoy it Mrs Watson" I give her a confused smile. "What are you talking about, Linds?" "I've just been thinking. I mean, you and Logan have been together for like 6 months and you are in love. I wouldn't be surprised if you became Jasmine Watson on day." I look away laughing. "Linds, we're juniors. If we would get married, it would be after senior year or later." I look away. "Huh" "What?" I stare into space. "Jasmine Watson". It sounds quite good, I actually like it." I blush and smile at the thought of what I just said. Lindy smirks again. Logan comes down a couple of minutes later. "Hey Jas. Hi, Linds." "Hey" we say in illusion and laugh. "Well, I'll leave you guys to it.", Lindy says as she gets up. She walks back upstairs and I sit on the couch with Logan. "So, Jas, what movie do you wanna watch?" I go over to my bag and get a movie out. "I brought Grease with me. Its a romantic comedy.", I say with a smirk. I notice Logan blush at my comment. "Sure. Whatever you want, Jas.", he smiles that makes my heart beat faster every second. I snuggle closer to Logan whilst he puts his arm around me. " So perfect" "Same here", Logan smiles.

*A little later, still Jasmine's POV

A little later into the movie I start feeling funny and my head starts thumping. "Uh, Logan?" He turns to me. "I don't feel so good." Logan removes his arm and looks at me in worry. "Oh, Jas, what's wrong?" I look at him concerned. "I-I don't know. My head is thumping and I feel kinda faint." Logan gets up. "Okay, just stay here and I'll go get you some tablets to take." With that, Logan heads upstairs. "I feel my head thumping and my stomach hurting. I touch my head, but start losing my balance. I blink from the pain and the room goes dark.

*Logan's POV

I come down a few minutes later. "Okay Jas, I found the medication. Now you need to-". I cut myself off when I look down and see Jasmine on the floor! I keel down next to her. "Jasmine honey! Wake up! Jasmine!" Still no response which really starts to worry me. "Lindy! Lindy!", I yell, but no response from her either! I stand up and run up the stairs still shouting. "Lindy!"  run into her room. "Logan, please knock! You know I hate it when-". She stops as I cut her off. "Lindy! This is serious!" I notice Lindy's concerned look on her face. "What's happened Logan?!" "Jasmine has passed out!" Her eyes widen. "What-what you mean Jasmine's passed out?! Where?!" I look at her scared. "In the basement! Jasmine said she wasn't feeling well and so I went to get her some medication, and when I came back down I saw her passed out on the floor! What do we do?!", I say in serious worry and Lindy's eyes widen. "What?! Oh my gosh! Okay, don't worry Logan!" I give her a shocked look. "Don't worry?! My girlfriend's passed out on the floor and you're asking me not to worry?!" Lindy roles her eyes. "I meant, don't worry we'll take her to the hospital." I sigh at the comment. "Okay, good. I'll go and get her." With that being said, I go into the basement, get Jasmine and we take her to the hospital.

*Jasmine's POV, a few hours later

I wake up to find myself in a strange room and search it with confusion. I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" "Logan!" I smile at the voice and bite my lip. "Come in!" Logan walks in with a bunch of red roses. "Hey beautiful", he says as he hands me red roses. " Aw, honey, thank you. But where am I?", I ask with worry. Logan holds my hand in worry. "Aw, babe don't worry. You passed out so Lindy took you to the hospital as you were out for a while. I was so worried about you". I look at my boyfriend in sympathy and hold his hand.  " Aw, sweetie, its okay. And thanks again for the flowers. You're the sweetest and best boyfriend in the world."  Logan blushes and leans over to me with a smile. He leans in and gentlely kisses me. I kiss him back and smile through it. About 5 seconds later, he pulls back. I giggle and we get off the bed. "You really know how to make a girl feel better. You're definitely the perfect boyfriend." Logan blushes. "It helps when you have a wonderful girlfriend." I smile and I snuggle into him whilst smiling and my eyes close. (Image) I really do have the greatest boyfriend ever.

Aw, hope you liked this one. 😍

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