Valentines Day

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Here's the season 3,  valentines day shot as its that time of year, hope you like it, its a short one. I 'm changing  the day to Monday lol

 *Jasmine's POV

February 14th, one of my favorite days of the year - valentines day meaning love, flowers and the perfect moments. And best of all, I get to spend it with my boyfriend, Logan. Its also two days before our four month anniversary, awesome timing!

*Logan's POV

I usually hate valentines day just cause its all about love, but I know I'm gonna enjoy it this year because I'm with Jasmine. You know me tryin' to find the shortcut to stuff, but I don't think Jasmine will be expecting too much right especially with our anniversary coming up in a couple of days. 

*Jasmine's POV,

Its Monday, the worst day of the week, but I guess its different today since its valentines day.  After first period, I walk to my locker and find a huge bouquet of roses in there and turn around (image) to see Logan looking at me with a warming smile. "Hey, Jaz. Happy valentines day. I wanted to make it romantic for you." I feel blush appear on my cheek as I smile. "Aww, Logan, I love them, thank you." I gently kiss his cheek and I see him smile, blushing. 

*Logan's POV

I can't help but not to hold in my blush as Jasmine kisses my cheek. I get hold of her free hand and she smiles. "How about I take you out for dinner and a movie after school?" Jasmine bites her lip, smiling. "Aw, you're the best boyfriend, ever!" I smile to myself. "I know." Jasmine snuggles into me for a few seconds before pulling away. "Why do you have to be so wonderful?", Jasmine comments, blushing. "I dunno, I guess its just part of the Logan charm". Jasmine giggles slightly, rolling her eyes. "Well, its definitely working on me." I look at her flirtatiously.  "Oh, I know." Jasmine moves to my side as we walk down the school hallway. I guess  valentines day can't get better than this.

Aw, loved this one, hope you liked it! The next one is the 4th anniversary unless I come up with one before then 😊

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