IDDI- Twilight Saga - New Moon - Part 1 - Jasmine & Logan Parking Lot

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Here's the beginning of New Moon.  Jasmine's POV again.

Its my eighteenth birthday. I hate ageing, especially because Logan will be seventeen forever. He knows how much I want to be like him, but why won't he change me?! I walk into the school parking lot to see my friends there. "Hey, Jasmine. Will RHSA do?",  Jessica asks me.  I look at her confused before realising what she means. "Oh yeah." (Mike says whats in the clip next, but I don't know what he's really saying or how to pronounce it lol) I look down at my new camera my mom and dad got me for my birthday and look back up at my friends. "I wanna take a picture of you guys. My mom....wants me to put together a scrapbook full of memories." "I take 'em, I'm not in them.", Angela says. Typical Angela, she's never really liked being in photos., which to be honest, I don't get. I mean, i understand she loves taking photos, but she is so pretty, I think she'd look so good in photos. I take the photo of my friends and look at it. "Its good."  "Oh, good. Watson's here.", Mike says, causing me to turn around. I see Logan pulling up. "I'll talk to you later.", Jessica says with a slight giggle and smile. I turn back around to see Logan walking over to me, looking like a supermodel, trying to act all cool. "Happy birthday", Logan says, coming closer. A small smile grows on my face. "Don't remind me, Logan." He smiles. "Jasmine, your birth is definitely something to celebrate." I role my eyes. "I'm ageing up." Logan laughs a little. "You're ageing. Not a lot of youngsters worry about that." "Its one year older than you." Logan looks at me lovingly. "No, its not. I'm a hundred and nine." My eyes go wide. I know he is about a hundred or so, but 109?! "Wow. maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man. Its gross. I should be thoroughly impulsed." The next thing I see is Logan leaning into me and I follow his lead. He passionately kisses me and I return it. Ya know, for someone who is undead, he sure is a good kisser. After making out for a little, I pull back in need of air. "We have to get to class.", he says with slight disappointment. "Okay."  With that being said, we head to class.

Okay, hope you liked this chapter. Will probably do another scene from New Moon. Edward's walk in the video, though! He's so hot! I can so imagine Logan doing that! 

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