Logan Saves Jasmine's Life

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Here's another S3 shot. This is kinda similar to the iCarly episode, iSaved Your Life

Logan's POV

The gang and I walk away from Rumble Juice after hanging out there again (top image). After Delia and Garrett have gotten home, Lindy and I walk Jasmine home as she lives so close to us, but just as Jasmine is about to cross the road to her house, Lindy and I see a car coming around the corner, so we try to get her attention. "JASMINE, MOVE OUT THE WAY!!" She turns to us in confusion, not seeing the car so I run into the street, pushing Jasmine out of the way.

Lindy's POV

Logan runs into the street, pushing Jasmine out of the way, only to get hit by the car! Jasmine and I scream in fear. "LOGAN!!", Jasmine shouts, getting closer to him and getting down. "Lindy, what do we do?!" I get my cell phone out of my bag. "We call the hospital right now!!"

One week later, Garrett's POV

Lindy Delia and I have been in the hospital everyday since Logan's accident, but Jasmine hasn't. It must be so hard for her. She hasn't even spoken to us.

Jasmine's POV, 3 weeks later

Logan has been in the hospital for like a month or so and I'm in my bedroom, crying my eyes out. I hear my mom calling me from outside my room. "Jasmine honey, can I come in?" "Go away, I don't wanna talk to you!" My mom walks in anyway and I give her a dirty look. "Jasmine this has gone on too long! You can't stay in here any longer! You've been pretty much locked in here for the past month. Look, I know how you're feeling-" I cut her off, crying even more. "No you don't! There's no way you could possibly know how I would be feeling! I've lost the love of my life, just because of me walking into the street!! You've never done that! I can't live with the gilt!" My mom gets closer. "Jasmine, you don't know that! Logan might be okay! You haven't seen him since the accident and you need to! I know you're worried about Logan, but you should at least see him. Or at least your other friends." I look down, sobbing and shaking, running my hands through my hair. "I-I can't. Even seeing-Lindy-is too hard." I look down again, still crying really hard. My mom starts walking out of the room, before turning back. "Okay, well at least think about it. I know Logan is missing you."

Delia's POV

Lindy, Garrett and I are in the hospital again, and still no sign of Jasmine. I can't believe she hasn't seen Logan at all since the accident. I understand how hard it is for her, but Logan is fine, but she wouldn't let us tell her that

Jasmine's POV

I decide to go the hospital and walk into the room to be stopped by the doctor

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I decide to go the hospital and walk into the room to be stopped by the doctor. "Excuse me, miss, Who are you?" I feel tears in my eyes, answering the question. "I'm Jasmine, Logan's girlfriend" He looks somewhat relieved. "Ok, go ahead, he's in room 208"  I take a deep breathe and walk in to see the others who turn to me and Lindy hugs me tight. "Oh Jaz. Thank goodness you're here. Logan's in bed." I turn around and see Logan lying there with a bandage around his face, getting closer to him (second image). "Oh my gosh, its worse than I thought!! Logan's dead!!" I start bursting into tears again and the other's crowd me. "Actually Jaz, Logan's-", suddenly Delia is cut off by a noise and I turn around to see Logan standing up!!....without the mask thingy....uh, he must of suddenly taken it off.  Oh my gosh!

Logan's POV 

After a few weeks in hospital, I'm back to normal and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to see Jasmine! She runs up to me

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After a few weeks in hospital, I'm back to normal and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to see Jasmine! She runs up to me. "Logan!! Oh my gosh, thank goodness you're okay!" I pick her up by the waist, spinning her around. "Jaz, I'm fine! You have no idea how much I've missed you!" Jasmine starts crying again onto my shoulder and I hug her really tightly. "Logan, don't ever scare me like that again. I thought I had lost you forever. All because of me being stupid, you almost died saving my life! I thought you were really gone!" I get my finger and pull her chin up. "Jasmine don't talk that way. You're worth saving. I love you and I couldn't imagine my life without you if you were killed by that car." Jasmine looks at me still crying, but manages to laugh a bit through the tears. "I love you too, Logan. You have no idea how much pain I've gone through recently of the thought that I had lost you." I grip hold of her hands even tighter, staring lovingly into her eyes (third image). "Well, you didn't and you won't, ever. I promise."

Jasmine's POV

Logan grips my hands even tighter, staring lovingly into my eyes, smiling and I do the same, finally haven stopped crying and instead smiling

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Logan grips my hands even tighter, staring lovingly into my eyes, smiling and I do the same, finally haven stopped crying and instead smiling. "Well, you didn't and you won't, ever. I promise." I lean in slightly closer, getting lost in his gorgeous ocean blue eyes. "I love you." Logan smiles even more. "I love you too, Jaz." Logan pulls me closer, passionately kissing me and I find myself smiling against the kiss (forth image). We pull back after a couple of minutes and we tightly hug again. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that Logan is safe and that we're together. The fact that he risked his own life for me, proves he really is the perfect guy. I'm so lucky to have him.

Aw, hope you liked this one! It took some doing, but I liked it a lot.

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