Graduation Day

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Here's another S4 shot. I got the idea after watching the Suite Life on Deck episode, "Graduation on Deck".  

*Logan's POV

Graduation day.  I never thought I'd make it at this honestly and I know Lindy never thought I'd graduate. And best of all, I got the opportunity to go on tour with The Weasels, my favourite band. They got back together again and its a year or possibly longer tour. This is a dream come true for me, but the problem is Jasmine. I know she got into medical school, but I won't see her for a year or possibly two. I have told her, but she seemed okay with it. How am I even supposed to leave her?!

*Jasmine's POV

As excited I am about graduation, I'm also scared. Its a big milestone in our future and I just found out a couple of days ago I got into medical school, I have of course told Logan and he's told me about the offer to go on tour, but it also means we won't see each other. What can I do?!

*After graduation; Logan's POV

After the ceremony, we've all said goodbye, but this is the hardest part of it all - saying goodbye to Jasmine. This is so not gonna be easy. "I guess this is it", she says about to cry. I look at her worriedly. "I guess so. We'll video chat everyday and call okay? I promise." "Logan I can't do this!" I look at her surprised and confused. "What do you mean you can't do this, Jasmine?" I notice a small tear run down her cheek as she continues. "I can't go to that school if it means being away from you." I step closer to her and get hold of both her hands. "Aw, Jaz, I don't wanna be apart from you either, but this is your dream. I don't wanna be in the way of that."

*Jasmine's POV

I look at Logan sadly when he says he doesn't wanna be in the way of my dream. "I know and you're going on tour. That's your dream and I don't wanna be in the way of your dreams either." I notice the sadness in Logan's eyes as he sighs. "You're right, it is my dream and its the future. But there is no way I'm spending my future without you or going on tour without you." Another tear roles down my cheek. "What-what are you saying, Logan?" A small smile grows on his face. "Jasmine, come on tour with me!" My eyes go wide. "What? Do you really mean that?" "Yes. Jasmine, I can't be apart from you and I won't. You're the best thing thing that ever happened to me. I love you and there's no way I'm gonna be apart from you or live my life without you." A smile grows on my face and I start to lean only to gently press my lips on Logan's, obviously surprising him. I pull back after a few seconds, but he looks at me very confused and I giggle with amusement. "So, what do you say, Jasmine?" I smile to myself for a second before looking at him again. "I love you too, Logan. I don't want to be apart from you either. You're more important to me than some medical school when there's always fashion for me to go into. I'd love to go on tour with you!" I wrap my arms around Logan's waist making me smile. (Second image)

 (Second image)

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*Logan's POV

Jasmine hugs me and I'm stunned for a moment before hugging her back. We just stand there for a little while before pulling away and get hold of each other's hands again. This is gonna be the best year ever now that I know I'll be with Jasmine! I love her so much.

Aw, hope you liked this one! I might do a summer holiday one, what do you think?

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