Jasmine's Choice

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Here's another S3 shot. It takes place after Jasmine and Logan have broken up and there might be moments that are similar to either the finale or some of my previous shots.  Just think of the  second image as school lol

Logan's POV

In the basement, I get ready for school when Lindy walks down stairs and she sits next to me. "Hey Logan. Are you ready for school?" I smile lightly. "Yeah and I am gonna try to win Jasmine back." Lindy's eyes go wide. "Wait, what? You still like her?" I smile to myself. "Uh, yeah. I know we broke up, but that shouldn't have happened." Lindy looks so excited. "Aw, Logan. That's so cute! I can't believe you guys broke up. That was so awkward, but you better hurry up so you don't lose Jasmine again" He looks away and I give her a odd look. (First image) I get this nervous feeling inside of me. "Uh, yeah, I guess."

*A little while later, Jasmine's POV

At school, I top up my makeup and turn around as I hear a voice "Hi, Jasmine

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At school, I top up my makeup and turn around as I hear a voice "Hi, Jasmine." I feel this awkward feeling inside my stomach. "Hi, Logan. What's up?" Okay, why are things so weird between Logan and I? I mean sure we broke up, but we're still best friends. It shouldn't be like this. "I actually have something to ask you. I-I still have-", he says only to be cut off by a voice. "Jasmine, i need to talk to you." "Owen?!" I see Logan rolling his eyes. Man, he's not happy. "Jasmine, there's something I need to tell you. I want us to get back together." My eyes go wide. Is he serious? Logan moves closer to Owen. "Whoa! Back off man, she's mine!" My eyes go wide again. "Logan, what are you talking about?" Logan turns to me. "Jasmine I still have feelings for you. That's what I wanted to say before he turned up!" "She belongs with me!", Owen raises. "No, she belongs with me!" I give them both a surprised look. Wow. I'm having to deal with two guys fighting over me. I've got to admit this is fun but after a while, I can't take it anymore. "Will you both just stop?!"

*Logan's POV

"Will you both just stop?!", Jasmine shouts. Owen and I turn to Jasmine surprised. "Jasmine please. I've lost you once and I'm not losing you again. I still love you!", I plead. "Jaz, do you still have feelings for me or Logan? Cause you're gonna have to choose!" Jasmine looks at Owen surprised from his comment. "I dunno and Owen you can't possibly be expecting me to choose between you and Logan!" I feel my heart hurt at the memory of our break up. "Well, you'll have to.", he continues. I sigh. "I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda agree with him, Jasmine. You'll have to choose. I'm sorry." With that being said, I walk off to lesson

*Jasmine's POV

What the heck just happened?! I can't believe they both are expecting me to choose between them! I walk to lesson and throughout the day there's only one thing on my mind - who to choose.  This is impossible! How on earth am I supposed to choose between two ex-boyfriends?! That has never happened, especially to me! 

*Logan's POV

The next day, ater school, at Rumble Juice, I get a text and see that its Jasmine

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The next day, ater school, at Rumble Juice, I get a text and see that its Jasmine. She's made her choice apparently! Aw, man. I'm really nervous. I'm not losing her to Owen again. "Hey, Logan. Did you get my text?" I look up to see Jasmine in front of me. "Uh, yeah. I did." She sits down next to me.  I sigh. "Look, I'm really sorry about earlier Jaz. It was wrong for me to make you choose between me or Owen. Whatever you decide, I want you to be happy." I see Jasmine starting to smile and I give her a confused look. "Thank you, Logan, but you know I have made my choice." I look at her disappointed (third image)

*Jasmine's POV

"Hi, Jasmine.", I hear. Logan and I look up to see Owen in front of us. "Seriously? What are you doing here?!", Logan says standing up. I get hold of his right arm slightly. "Logan, its okay. I asked him to come so that I could tell you both together." They both look at me nervously and I turn to Owen. "Look Owen. I think its very sweet of you to want me back and you really are a great guy, but I can't. I have a boyfriend." Logan looks at me upset. "What?! You have another boyfriend?! Who?!", Logan says somewhat angrily. I giggle at him. "You." They both look at me surprised again. "Huh? I thought you and Logan broke up.", Owen comments with annoyance. I look at Logan briefly before returning to face Owen. "Yes we did, but that was a huge mistake." I turn to Logan with a smile and he looks at me shocked before I turn back to Owen. "Look Owen, you really are a great guy, but....its Logan and it's always been him. I'm sorry." Owen looks at me sadly and sighs. "Its okay. And I'm sorry for making you  choose between us, Jasmine. I'll get of your way." Owen leaves Rumble Juice and I have to admit, I do feel bad for saying it the way I did, but it had to be done.

*Logan's POV

After Owen leaves Rumble Juice, Jasmine and I turn to each other and she smiles

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After Owen leaves Rumble Juice, Jasmine and I turn to each other and she smiles. "Jaz, are you serious? I thought you didn't have feelings for me anymore." She steps closer to me with a smile. "Yes, I'm serious. I didn't have feelings for Owen anymore and honestly, I never stopped loving you, Logan. Its always been you." I look into her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and get hold of her hands, whilst she smiles lovingly at me (fourth image). "I never stopped loving you either. I missed you so much." Jasmine looks at me lovingly and as if she is about to cry with happiness. "I missed you too." I pull Jasmine closer, gently pressing my lips to her, obviously to her surprise and I feel her smiling against the kiss. I pull back after a few seconds and she wraps her arms around my neck as I slide mine around her waist, hugging her tightly. I can't even tell you how happy I am to have her back. 

Aw, hope you liked this one. I loved writing it. 😍

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