A Thousand Years

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Here's a Season 3 shot, with the glee cover of A Thousand Years (Jogan video with the song) originally sang by Christina Perri and some dude (lol). I am just obsessed with this version, I think its so much better than the original and I could totally see Jogan doing this duet! The clips of Jasmine & Logan in the video kill me every time I watch it! So...many..feels! 

*Jasmine's POV

In my bedroom, I have been listening to lots of music for past few hours, especially from movies. I'm singing the Glee cover of A Thousand Years, which is like my favourite song right now and I pretend to sing the duet with the male singer in the song. Hey, I love it so much, besides Logan isn't here for our date yet, so this is a great way to pass time. I turn on the song on my computer, ready to sing. 

*Logan's POV

I go to Jasmine's house to pick her up for our date. Her mom opens the door and smiles. "Hi, Logan. You're here to pick Jasmine up, right?" I smile back. "Hi, Mrs. kang. Where is Jaz?" "In her bedroom, probably listening to music or something. "Thanks." I walk upstairs and hear a song playing from Jasmine's bedroom. I hear a tune of a song playing and her singing. I stand in the doorway, with her not noticing me.

*Jasmine's POV

"The day we met, frozen I held my breath, right from the start, I knew that I found a home for my heart beats fast. Colours and promises. How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall? Watching you stand alone. All of my doubt suddenly does away somehow.  One step closer! I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more.", I sing with a smile on my face.

*Logan's POV

Wow, Jasmine has a great voice, I know she can sing, but not this well! I know she loves this song and I know its a duet so I decide to surprise her and join her. "Time stands still beauty in all she is-", I sing and walk closer to Jasmine. I see her shocked face, because she doesn't expect me to be here. 

Both: I will be brave, I will not let anything take-

Logan: Away what's standing in front-

Both: Of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this. One step closer.I have died everyday waiting  for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more.

We get closer and lock eyes. Jasmine smiles lovingly at me as we continue

Both: And all along I believed I would find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand moooore!

*Jasmine's POV

I can't believe Logan has watched me this whole time and he's singing my favourite song with me. I mean, I know he is musically talented as he plays the drums, but not singing! He's so good! 

Both: Oooooh! Oooh! I'll love you for a thousand more! Oooooooh!

 I smile lovingly at Logan and blush as he slowly grabs my hand, making  my heart beat a thousand times more, and smile as I continue. We gaze into each other's eyes.

Both: One step closer.

Jasmine: I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for-

Both: A thousand more! And all along I believed I will find you, time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. I will love you a thousand years hmmmm, hmmmm

After the song, Logan and I just stand there smiling at each other, still holding hands. I laugh a little. "Wow Logan. I wasn't expecting that or for you to watch me in the first place." I see him blushing. "Yeah, I just wanted to surprise my girlfriend. Especially since its a duet.", he smiles. I look down, blush and smile to myself. "Aw, your so sweet!" "I know." I pull him in for a hug and we stand there a couple of minutes hugging before pulling away. Logan looks at me flirtatiously as he says, "Ya know? I think that song is perfect for us. I mean, before we started dating, we did wait for what feels like a thousand years to be together." I smile lovingly at Logan as he says that. Wow, he can get so deep, but he's right, it did feel like that long before we became a couple, (The Rescuers.)  and thats what makes this song so perfect for us, and I giggle a little. "That is so true." "You ready to go?" I bite my lip. "Yep, let me just turn my computer off and get my bag," I let go of Logan's hand and walk back over to my computer to turn it off and grab my bag. I walk back over to Logan, he puts his arm around me and I snuggle into him as we walk out of my room for our date. Although, what we just did feels like a date, so this is like part 2! Awesome!

Aw, I swear, this is definitely one of my favourite one to ever write on both books on one shots! I just love the song so much so I had to do a Jogan duet on it! It kills me just thinking/picturing them singing this together and I think it represents/matches their relationship so perfectly!  I died writing this! Hope you liked it!

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