Falling for... Who?

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Hey guys so I know I said my next shot would be on Paustin with Jogan's relationship, but I've had an idea of how Falling for... Who should have ended after watching it and crying again. But, I promise the next one will be on the Jogan /Paustin  thing. Most of it is the same as the original 

*Logan's POV 

I stand in the corner of the gym with my girlfriend, Erin and Garrett and Erin walks off, saying her outfit clashes with the decorations. What the heck! "What was that all about?", Garrett asks in confusion. "Erin's been obsessed with us matching." He looks at me even more confused. "Who cares if you  match?" He's so right! "I don't get it either! I mean, Jasmine thought my blue suit would look fine and she should know, since she's so smart about fashion" Jasmine walks over a second later, looking more stunning than ever. "Whoa, Jaz, you look amazing.", I say with a funny feeling inside, but happiness. "Thanks so  thats the new suit, huh?" I look down, searching the suit. "Yeah, I-I should have taken your advice. "You still look nice", she smiles and something heats up onto my cheek.....a blush? "Thanks, and...you look amazing", I notice Jasmine looking down at her sparkling silver shoes, with a smile across her face. She looks up a second later, but I can't stop looking at how beautiful she is. Wait, what?! Don't tell me I'm falling for Jasmine.....! I can't! I have a girlfriend. "You already said that"< Garrett cuts in, interrupting my moment with Jasmine. "He's just being sweet. I'll see you guys later.", Jasmine smiles, walking off. However, I can't help but stare at her beauty (image) 

*A little later, Jasmine's POV, after Lindy has set her to dance with Owen

This is great. I'm dancing with a really nice, friendly, sweet guy - Owen - and this is my chance to get over Logan. I mean, its not like I'm gonna end up with him any time soon. Right? During a slow dance  with Owen, I slightly turn my head, facing Logan and Erin. Seeing him dance with his girlfriend still hurts, but why? I am trying to move on and I think I found the right guy. But, I can't help, but notice Logan looking at me so I give him a friendly smile, only to notice him letting go of Erin's grip and neither seem happy. What's going on? I turn to Owen. "So, Jasmine. We've been having a great time at the dance. So, do you wanna go out with me?", he asks and I look at him surprised. I then, turn back to Logan, before facing Owen again and Erin has walked away, leaving Logan alone. "Sorry, Owen. Let me think about it for a few minutes. This has been really fun, but....I need some time to think about it." He looks at me sadly. "Oh, okay." I walk away, seeing Logan standing alone in the corner and I walk over to him. "Hey. Logan." "Hi, Jasmine." I search the room. "Where's Erin? I thought you guys were dancing together...." He looks at me sadly, but also with a slight smile. "Yeah. I actually just broke up with her." I get this excited feeling inside. "I'm sorry. What happened?" "i realised I'm meant to be here with someone else. Someone I realised I have strong feelings for." I give him a sad smile. Just my luck - I've lost my chance - again. 

*No One's POV

A few seconds later, another song plays in the background -  Ever Ever After by Carrie Underwood (video). Logan turns to Jasmine, with a warming smile. "Hey, Jasmine. Do you....wanna dance?" Jasmine gives Logan a confused look for a second before smiling lovingly at him. "Thought you would never ask. No, seriously.", she laughs. Logan holds out his arm for Jasmine to take it. The two walk into the centre of the floor. Jasmine slowly wraps her arms around Logan's neck, with him running his around her waist. 

*Jasmine's POV

"Have I told you look amazing tonight?". I giggle at Logan's comment. "Yes, you have." "Well, I didn't mean that." I look at him slightly hurt. "You look....beautiful, Jasmine." I feel a smile slowly running across my face. "Aw, thank you, Logan. And you look very handsome." I see a blush form on his cheeks. "Thanks, but I would have preferred to wear the blue one. So, it would match with your dress." My eyes widen slightly. He wants to match with me? "Oh, well, both colours suite you." "Thanks. You know Jaz, I know this sounds weird, but when I-I saw you dancing with another guy, it made me realise that....you are the perfect date for me.", Logan says with obvious nerves. "Aw, Logan. I know I was dancing with Owen, but when I saw you and Erin dancing together,.....I still wanted to be here with you.", I smile. I see another blush form on that handsome face of his. "So, Jaz. What do you say? Will you be my date for the dance?" I blush, smiling to myself. "Yes," A second later, I see what I thought I never thought I would - Logan leaning into me! I follow his lead. After waiting over a year, I finally get what I've always wanted - the kiss and Logan as my boyfriend!! How awesome! - Its the best feeling in the world. After a few seconds, we pull back, making me smile like an idiot - lol - and with the biggest smile of my life. Logan and I continue dancing the night away to many slow, love songs. I finally have my happily ever after ending (reference to video) and my prince charming! So perfect!

Aw, loved writing this one! This seriously should have happened in the episode, so that I wouldn't have been soaked in tears the first time! Am I right? I'll try to update asap, hopefully tomorrow or before Wednesday. Hope you liked it!

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