IDDI - Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 1 - Part 3 - Logan Saves Jasmine?

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Here's the last part of part 1. In the movie, the birth bit freaks me out so I skip it when watching the movie to when Edward changes Bella lol. I love when he does that so here's that scene. Creds to original movie!  Warning, most of this is pretty gross - well, to me anyway.

*One Month Later, two days before Jasmine's 19th birthday, Jasmine's POV

Its only been one month since the baby has grown inside of me and its been living hell, but there is no way I'm letting it get killed! All of a sudden I feel bad pain in my stomach and screech out! I fall to the ground, OMG THIS IS IT!! "Lindy, get the morphine spread!!", Logan yells. "There's no time, he's dying!", she shouts in worry and there's only one thing I can say and think of. - "Get him out, now!" Everyone does as I wish and I scream with pain! I faintly hear Owen's voice, but my vision goes down! I'm so gone! "Stay Jasmine! Stay focused. Keep your heart beating!", I slightly hear Owen say in concern. I try to keep my heart beating as they get the baby out. 

*Logan's POV

I manage to get the baby out of Jasmine, its a girl, only to hold her with a huge amount of blood on me. I whisper to Jasmine. "This is Rachel." (I decided to change the name of the child.) "She's beautiful", Jasmine whispers and I hand Rachel over to Jasmine with a smile on my face. I notice Jasmine looking so dead and its scaring the hell out of me. I hand Rachel over to Lindy and walk over to Jasmine. I notice how scared Owen is as I get something out of the drawer, "What is that?", he asks but I ignore his question and jam the spear into Jasmine's heart. "Its my venom.", I say as I jam it further into her heart.  I press both my hands down on Jasmine's heart to revive her. I am not losing her because of this creature! I'll do anything to get her to be alive - even it means her becoming like me! "Its supposed to be working." I continue pushing down hard on her heart! WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?! "I won't kill you. That would be too easy. You deserve to live with this", Owen says almost in tears. I try even harder to press down and revive her and Owen runs out in tears. "You're not dead, you're not dead.", I repeat, still pushing the venom into Jasmine. "Come on! Come on!" I won't quit, I'm not losing her! There's only one thing I can think of to save Jasmine. I lean over to the left side of her neck and dig my fangs into her, then her arm and leg. Ya know, for being a vampire who really just feeds on animal blood, human blood is just as good. I find every part of Jasmine's body possible to bite and do just that. 

*No One's POV

Logan's venom spreads right through Jasmine's body,  causing her to scream with pain from the inside. 

*Logan's POV

I hold the side of Jasmine's face, begging her to come back to me. "Come back to me, please baby. Jasmine, please", I plead in quietness. Please tell me its not too late. I've done everything I can to save Jasmine, now we just wait. I use a sponge to wipe off all the blood stains from my venom. "She shouldn't be this still." I hear Bob's voice close to me. "Its the morpheme", he says in calmness. How can he be so calm when Jasmine might be dead?! I zip Jasmine up in a blue dress. "Maybe I was too late". "No, Logan. Listen to her heart." We leave in hope, especially me.

*No One's POV

Logan, Lindy, Bob, Delia, Jasper, Garrett and Esme all wait and hope there's still a chance that Jasmine isn't dead. Every one of Jasmine's memories - past and present - prom present to past - all rush through her brain. Her heart starts to beat steadily. Jasmine's heart suddenly stops beating and Delia looks at Jasper in worry. Lindy looks at Garrett, still holding Rachel. Owen turns to the Watson's in fear that he has lost his best friend. Logan moves slightly closer to the table to see Jasmine, still with slight hope he has saved her, but with sadness in his eyes. Jasmine's eyes suddenly throw open, revealing the newborn red blooded eyes (image), to which she has become the thing she's always wanted to be - like Logan.

Hope you liked this one! It took some doing as I had to watch the birth scene and Edward biting Bella to get it right. I love when he saves her by biting her and she's become a newborn, but the birth scene scares the shit out of me! Its so gross! I personally think the ending of part 1 is the best part! 

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