Jasmine's New Boyfriend - Part 2

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Here's part 2

Garrett's POV

I walk around school with Delia until I see Jasmine with Owen. Oh, god. It doesn't look good, it looks like she's about to kill him!

*Jasmine's POV

"Owen?" He turns around, pulling away from Katie. "Jasmine, I swear I'm not doing what you think?" I give him a dirty glare. "Really, cause it looks like my boyfriend is kissing another girl!" "Boyfriend? Who the hell are you?!", Katie yells. "I'm Jasmine and Owen is my boyfriend!", I say in sadness. Her eyes widen. "Um, no. Owen's my boyfriend." I turn to Owen and slap him around the face, "Owen, how the hell could you cheat on me?!" "What?! You cheated on me first!" My eyes widen. "WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" "You kissed Logan during a drum lesson!" I face plant myself with my hand. He has got to be joking! "I never kissed him! I told you what happened and you were fine with it!" We step closer together. "Yeah? Well, thats not what I saw. Don't be stupid, Jasmine. I know kissing when I see it." My mouth drops again. "Did you just call me stupid?" "If the shoe fits." I give Owen a 'I wanna kill you' look. "What happened to the guy I really liked? Well, it turns out he's a total jerk, I can't believe you would do this to me! I know I never officially dated Logan, but he was a better boyfriend to me than you ever were! And I once threatened to kill Garrett for knowing about my crush on Logan, so imagine what I'd do to a cheating boyfriend!" Owen looks somewhat scared. Man this is easier than I thought. "I'm not scared of you Jasmine!" I give him a 'you are so dead' look. "Well, you should be," I slam him against the locker hard. "We're done, Owen! I never wanna see you again!" I yell before running off almost in tears. I know I'm mad at Lindy and Logan, but I also know I'm always welcomed there. I walk downstairs to the basement and see Lindy there. 

*Lindy's POV

I see Jasmine walking into the basement. This is gonna be awkward. "Hi-hi Lindy." "Uh, hi Jasmine."  There's silence for a couple of minutes. Man, its never been this awkward between Jasmine and me. "Why are you even here, I thought you hated me and Logan." That hurt to say. Jasmine sighs. "Actually, I came to apologise. I should have believed you about Owen cheating on me." I give her a sad, worried look. "So you found out?" She looks down. "Yeah. I saw him." "I'm sorry" "Its okay, so am I. Where's Logan? I need to talk to him" I search the room. "He must be upstairs. Logan, please come down!" "Okay," He comes down a couple of seconds later and sees Jasmine, making his eyes widen.

*Logan's POV

As soon as I see Jasmine, there 's silence for a while. "Well, I'll...leave you two alone." Lindy walks away and there's even more silence. "I-I don't know what to say.", she says  looking down. "How about apologising for calling me a liar!", I shout getting closer to her.  "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, Logan. I guess I was so caught up with Owen, I forgot friendship is more important than being with some guy I barely even knew.  I'm sorry", she looks down. I sigh with gilt. "Its okay, Jaz. Look, there's something I've been trying to tell you for a while." She looks up as I continue my sentence. "I l know it took me ages to realise it and I'm sorry, but I love you, Jasmine." She looks at me in shock and a small smile appears across her face. "I love you, too, Logan. I don't get why I dated Owen when it has been you all along,", she smiles. There's silence again for a minute.  "Get over here.". Jasmine looks at me confused for a minute and I give a suggestive look, making her smile. She walks closer to me, pressing her lips to mine. Still kissing Jasmine, I put her down on the floor, me lying on top of her, turning a gentle kiss into a total make out session.

*Jasmine's POV

I find myself smiling through the kiss with Logan and wow. He's so good, what a total turn on! I guess after waiting over a year, I finally have what I've wanted and its amazing. However after making out for who knows how long, we hear, "Hey guys, how's it going-holy crap!", from Lindy making us pull away and stand up. There's silence again. "Lindy, how long have you been here?", I ask nervously. "Long enough to see you guys having sex on the floor!", she shouts. Logan and I look at each other quickly. "Okay first, we weren't having sex, just making out a little. And second, Lindy, meet my new boyfriend", I smile as Logan puts his arm around me. I snuggle into his neck for a few seconds before noticing Lindy's reaction. "Jogan has finally happened! Its about time!", she exclaims. My eyes go wide making me laugh. "Yeah, I couldn't agree more.", Logan smiles kissing my cheek. Isn't he amazing? "Jasmine loves Logan." "Logan loves Jasmine". I can't help but smile so big and snuggle into him.. "Aw, I have to tell Delia and Garrett, oh my god!", Lindy exclaims exiting the door. "Wait, Lindy, I-", I say, only to be stopped with her leaving. Logan and I look at each other for a short time before he turns me around to the point where we lock eyes, smiling, making us kiss again, turning it into another make out session. Logan runs his hands over his body, deciding to take his shirt off  (If you have ever seen Austin north shirtless, you would faint. Thats happened to me so many times, I've lost count!) and my eyes go wide. Jesus christ he so gorgeous! Logan gets back on top of me (image) and  we're basically in full out make out mode, not caring if anyone walks in on us. This is gonna be amazing.

Hope you liked this one! The image is from Devious Maids, season 3 episode 2.  I'll probably be using that image for my future sex scenes 😊

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