Happy Ever After? - Part 2

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Here's part 2. Hope you like it

*Jasmine's POV

I finally just got what I've been waiting for until it got interrupted....by Owen! Well, this is gonna be awkward. I quickly let go of Logan and step closer to Owen. "Owen, I swear, its not what it seems!" Owen gives Logan a death glare. "Really Jasmine? Cause it looks like you're cheating on me...with Logan!" "Okay, so its kind of what it looks like, but it was an accident!"

*Logan's POV

An accident? Well, technically it was, but it didn't feel that way to me! Why does Owen always have to ruin my chances with Jasmine?!  "Wow. This is awkward.  Having my boyfriend and ex-boyfriend in the same room", Jasmine says with a nervous laugh. Owen and I look at Jasmine with confused looks as her eyes widen. "What did you just say, Jas?", I ask in confusion. Did she just call me her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend?

*Jasmine's POV

I just did it again, didn't I? Well, that doesn't make this any easier, but it has helped me realize that no matter how hard I try, I can't get over Logan. "Uh, sorry about that. I sometimes say sometimes say things I don't mean." "Jasmine, its okay. I can tell there's something going on between you guys. Logan, Jasmine obviously still has feelings for you, since she denied it" My eyes just widened. Owen did not just do that! "Owen! You did not just do that!" "Yeah, I did. Sorry Jas. We're done" Owen then just walks out leaving me stunned. I hear Logan step closer to me. "Jas, I'm so sorry," I turn around and face Logan. "How on earth could Owen dump me? I've always been the dumper!" It actually hurts the fact that Owen just dumped me, but Logan is the guy for me and nothing is stopping that. "Just forget it Jasmine. Now that Owen has left, there's something I've been wanting to do for past few months.", Logan says as he grabs my hand. My heart stops. "Jas, I've lost you once and I'm not letting you go again. I know it has taken me a long time to realize it, but I've realized that I've always thought of the perfect girl for me and its you" I feel tears in my eyes and it drops down my check.

*Logan's POV

I see Jasmine crying when I tell her she's the perfect girl for me. "Jas, I think I'm in love with you." (The Rescuers reference 💖) Jasmine smiles and cries a little again. "I never stopped liking you, Logan. I realized that no matter what I do, I just can't get over you. I love you too." I pull Jasmine closer and wrap my arms around her waist as she wraps her arms around my neck and I press my lips to hers,

*Jasmine's POV

I finally get the moment I've been waiting for without interruptions and I can't describe the feeling. After a series of heartbreaks and losing Logan to other girls, I finally have my dream guy. In fact, after what feels like a thousand years (song reference) of waiting, I finally have my dream guy and there's no stopping that. I find myself continuing smiling through the kiss. After a couple of minutes, we pull away, and smile lovingly at each other. "Jasmine loves Logan", I say giggling. "Logan loves Jasmine". (The Rescuers reference💕) With us still in the same position, we start leaning in again and connecting our lips again. I finally have my happy ever after moment I've been dreaming about.

Aw, hope you liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it!

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