Logan Finds Out!

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This is what I think should have happened at the end of Logan Finds Out!, just to make it more emotional for Jasmine. Hardly any changes, but a few added lines and some cut lines, as I can't be bothered to add some of the dialogue between Lindy and Logan, lol.

*Logan's POV

I'm in Rumble Juice with my sister. I've just found out Jasmine likes me! "I....can't believe Jasmine likes me like that." Lindy looks at me kinda worriedly. "So, now that you know....what do you think?" I sigh. "I don't know what I think. I mean, Jasmine's great, I just..never thought of her that way. Besides, I don't even know if I like her like that. And I already have a girlfriend. Oh, wait let me just check." I look at my phone to do what I said and... yep, still have a girlfriend. A couple minutes later, Jasmine walks in. Awkward! "Hey guys". "Hi" "Hey...", I say trying to act normal, but its hard! How are you supposed to act when you have just found out your best friend likes you?! "So, I heard you and Erin got back together. That's...great.", Jasmine says with a smile, but its obviously fake. Of course I have to act normal. "Thanks. And I heard..." Lindy gives me a 'don't say anything!' look. "...Nothing.", just before looking away slightly. "Logan, come on, or we're gonna be late for the movie." I see Erin standing in the doorway with a smile. "Oh, right. Yeah, we better get going. See ya, guys." I get up and look at both Lindy and Jasmine as I say that. I walk past Jasmine and stop in the doorway as she sits down. I look at her for a few seconds. Do I like Jasmine the way she likes me? I don't know. After a few seconds, I turn around and leave Rumble Juice with Erin, closing the door behind me. 

*Jasmine's POV

As soon as Logan stands up to leave with Erin, I look at him for about a second with deep sadness and sit down on the chair. I feel tears in my eyes, but try very hard to keep them back. "Are you okay, Jas?", Lindy asks me in worry. I open my mouth to say something, but I can't get the words out properly. "I...no, but I will be", I say trying to keep my tears back, but it's too late. The next thing I feel, is hot tears falling from my eyes and I look away slightly, trying not to show myself crying in front of Lindy. My heart literally feels broken, so I lightly touch it, making sure its still in one piece. Its true, I am heartbroken. I've liked Logan for about a year, so my feelings for him are very strong I basically love him! "You know I'm always here for you, right?", Lindy says trying to make me feel better. I turn to her and try to smile through my teas, but its so hard. "Of course." And within the next second, more and more tears are running down my cheek and I start shaking a little. Lindy looks at me with sympathy. "Aw, Jaz, sweetie, come here." And that one line makes me breakdown even more. I lean over and Lindy hugs me as I cry on her shoulder. After a few seconds, I pull back. Betty walks over to us. "Where's Delia? I thought about it and I'm willing to accept the role of the tree." I notice Lindy give Betty a confused look as she tells her, "Uh, Betty, the play's over. That was just a one time thing." Betty looks really annoyed. "You mean I've been swaying in the wind all day for nothing?" "Sorry." Betty roles her eyes. "The theatre...she's a creul mistress." I look away, feeling more tears running down my cheek again. "So, Garrett tells me you like Logan.", Betty says with excitement. I turn to her, my eyes widen in shock and my mouth drops open. I role my eyes left and right, looking at Lindy. There's one thing I must do when I next see Garrett - kill him! -but before I know it, I break down again and put my head down on the table, making me cry... again.

Aw, poor Jaz. I just thought this version of the ending would make Jasmine's feelings for Logan seem even stronger than she had already revealed in the episode. Hope you liked it.

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