Paris Vacation - Part 1

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Here's a  romantic one shot. Hope you like this one. Its the summer after graduation.

*Logan's POV

I'm pretty excited. My family are all going to Paris for a vacation and we get to bring Jasmine, Garrett and Delia with us. This will be awesome. I have a plan to ask Jasmine something....big.  We are dating, but I'm gonna ask her whist we're in the perfect place - the most romantic city in the world - Paris.

*Lindy's POV

This is gonna be such an awesome vacation, especially because I'll be with my best friends. "Logan, come on! Mom and dad are waiting! We have to pick up the others!", I yell. "Alright! I'm just getting my phone and hair products!" Wow. I swear, he's turning into a girl! About five minutes later, Logan finally comes down. "About bloody time, Logan!" "Yeah. Now, lets go. Where are mom and dad?" "They're in the car, now lets move!" 

*Jasmine's POV 

I'm waiting with Delia and Garrett for Lindy and Logan. This is gonna be such an awesome vacation. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see a message from Logan. "Hey, guys, Logan just texted me. He and Lindy are only two minutes away!" "Yes!", they say in illusion. I notice Garrett smirk as he says, "Wait, Logan texted you?" I give him a confused look. "Yeah....why are you smirking? I mean, he is my boyfriend, but you already know that " "No reason." I feel  kinda confused, but I decide to let it go. Lindy and Logan finally arrive a couple of minutes later and we head to the airport. 

*8 hours later, Garrett's POV

After an uncomfortable 8 hours or so on a plane, we finally get to Paris. About time! "Aw, thank god! I'm off that disgusting plane! There was food on the floor!" Delia roles her eyes. "Stop complaining! Its not like you're on the plane! Get over it!" "Will you both shut up! We're in public! Now come on, lets get to our hotel!", Lindy says in excitement. 

*Delia's POV

We all finally arrive at our hotel and get to our room. I get to share a room with my girls whilst the boys and the parents get their own rooms. This is gonna be amazing. "So ladies, what are we gonna do first?" Jasmine puts on her 'thinking' face. "Each other's hair!" I notice Lindy role her eyes. "Oh, come on, Jas! We're in Paris! night! We should explore! I'll go check on the boys", Lindy says as she starts walking out of the room.

*Jasmine's POV

A little while later, we all decide to go into the town and see the Eiffel Tower as it is getting late and he heard that night is the best time to go. 

*Logan's  POV

I've thought it through perfectly. I'm gonna invite Jasmine to the Eiffel Tower without her knowing its from me. I've asked my friends to help me as they all know about my feelings for Jasmine and her's for me. The only problem is sneaking past Jasmine. "Hey, Logan. Where are you going?" I freeze. Crap, its Jas! "Uh, nothing see ya later Jasmine!" Hopefully she buys that and I run off trying to set everything up. 

*Jasmine's POV

Well, that was weird. I wonder what Logan's up to. "Hey, guys. What's up with Logan?"They look at each other nervously. "Uh, nothing. We're fine", they say in illusion. I can tell they're all lying. Besides, Garrett looks like he's about to shit himself. "Alright, well, I'm gonna go up the tower. You guys coming or what?" "No, its fine. We're kinda hungry so we'll see you back here in about an hour. Okay?", Lindy asks somewhat excitedly. I definitely know she's hiding something.

*Lindy's POV 

We all know about Logan's surprise for Jasmine so we're helping him by leaving them alone and not hanging out with them for a little while. I can't wait to see how this turns out!

*Jasmine's POV

I arrive at the top of the tower and look out of the view. Its just beautiful! I look up at the sky and see fireworks exploding in the sky. I then notice my name written in fireworks! What?! Suddenly, I feel another hand in mine, causing me to turn around and see a tux! Oh my god! "Hi, Jas." "Logan? What are you doing up here? Looking very handsome I might add" He blushes. "Surprise!" My eyes widen. "Wait, this is all for me?" Wow, this feels like a fairy tale dream come true. "Yep. There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while", Logan tells me as he grabs my hand and my heart starts beating so fast its like I can't hear anything. "Okay." "Jas, I know its taken me for what feels like forever, but that's how much I love you, so lets start with forever. " (Twilight reference) Logan gets down on one knee with a ring and my mouth drops to the floor. "Jasmine Kang, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" 

To be Continued..... What did you think? I loved writing this chapter so hope you liked reading it.

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