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Here's the move shot. I guess you would think this is sort of a continuation to the graduation one, but its not an official continuation.

Logan's POV

Two years after being on tour with The Weasels,  I have become a famous drummer and I can't even begin to tell you how much I love it. Since Jasmine and I have been on tour together, she got the  chance to become a model for a big fashion designer whilst we were in New York, and we both became what I've always wanted to be - rich and famous - and its awesome! We managed to afford a mansion in LA!. Okay, I know that you're thinking. - It's too much for a first house, but with this amount of money, its so worth it! 

Jasmine's POV

I'm so excited about the move! Honestly, I always thought if Logan and I were to move in together it would be most likely when we would be married, but its really nice moving in together whilst we're just dating, especially when we've been on tour...

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I'm so excited about the move! Honestly, I always thought if Logan and I were to move in together it would be most likely when we would be married, but its really nice moving in together whilst we're just dating, especially when we've been on tour and modelling. Such an amazing chance for me since I love fashion so much. "So, are you ready to see the new house, Jaz?", Logan smirks and I bite my lip smiling. "You bet. I still can't believe we've managed to afford this!", I exclaim with excitement and Logan chuckles. I know right. We walk to the house holding hands (second image) and see the house is a mansion! (First image) Man, I don't remember the house looking so big. 

Logan's POV

Oh, my god, this is beautiful!", Jasmine exclaims, holding my arm and I smile into her gorgeous brown eyes. "Ooh, I forgot to mention. Lindy, Delia, and Garrett are coming from Chicago tomorrow to see us.", I exclaim and I'm really excited to see them again,  especially Garrett. I notice Jasmine's happiness so easily. "Really?! That's awesome!" "Yeah, now come on, I wanna show you around." We go around the house to check it out. 

Jasmine's POV, a short while later

Oh my god, this place is better than I thought it would ever be! "So, Logan

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Oh my god, this place is better than I thought it would ever be! "So, Logan. What do you want to do tonight?", I smile with excitement. "How about we check out the city and I'll take you out to dinner?", Logan says flirtatiously, holding my hands and I feel my heart exploding. "Aw, you're so incredible! You're the best boyfriend in the world! I'm so lucky!" Logan looks down, obviously blushing and smiling to himself. "I know. And you're the best girlfriend in the world." I find myself staring lovingly into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Aw, I love much." "I love you.", he replies, looking like he's getting lost in my eyes.  I notice Logan slowly leaning into me and I follow his lead, finding myself smiling a lot against the kiss. I pull back with a smile. "Come on, lets get out of here.  We've got the whole evening to enjoy.", Logan comments as he offers his arm for me to take it, making me smile to myself. We walk out the front of the house and I can't help, but to smile so much. (Third image) I am so lucky to have the most amazing guy in the world. 

 Aw, hope you liked this one as much as I liked writing it! 😊

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