First Anniversary

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Hey so can you believe it? Its October 16th already!! This is Jasmine and Logan's first anniversary. This is the final part of the book as there is really no other reason to continue it, especially since I'm working on other books (or book).

Jasmine's POV

October 16, 2016.  1 year. I can't believe I've been with Logan for a whole year. This is amazing and I know it is for him too,

Logan's POV

I can't believe Jasmine and I are celebrating our first anniversary today. I've never been with a girl this long in my life and I know I wanna be with her forever. I walk over to her at her locker, snaking my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "Hey Jas. Happy anniversary" Jasmine turns to me giggling. "Happy anniversary to you too, honey." I pull a bouquet of flowers around my back and hand them to Jasmine. "Aw, Logan they're beautiful I love them, thank you." She kisses my cheek and I smile down, blushing to myself. "You're welcome. But you're more beautiful." I smile as we start to lean in. Just as we're about to kiss,  the gang comes over.

Jasmine's POV

I put my hand on Logan's arm (top photo) as our friends come over to us

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I put my hand on Logan's arm (top photo) as our friends come over to us.  "Congrats you guys, one year. I hope you have fun", Lindy says with enthusiasm and Logan and I look at each other, smiling. "Oh we will and we were gonna start it off with something really fun", Logan smirks as he winks at me. I look down, smiling to myself. "Its not fair.  You guys have been together for a whole year and I can't even get a girl to go on one date with me" Garrett pouts and I snigger, trying not to laugh but he sees it and is not amused. That makes it even better. Logan and I leave to go to chemistry. (second image) Oh yeah we got it in that way too.

Later that day, after school, Logan's POV

After school and a movie, Jasmine and I make our way to Rumble Juice and I pull her into the table

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After school and a movie, Jasmine and I make our way to Rumble Juice and I pull her into the table. I l know she loves it when I do that. "Why thank you." "No problem my lady.", I smile lovingly at Jaz and I can see in her eyes how happy she is. We get our smoothies and raise them (final picture). "To us?" "To us." I slowly put my arm around Jas, hearing her giggle.

Jasmine's POV

I snuggle into Logan, feeling very comfortable and honestly wanting to fall asleep. "Happy anniversary Jas. Here's to the future together. Forever." I smile, looking into his eyes and lips. "To the future. I love you so much." "I love you too and always will." I follow Logan's lead as he leans into me, pressing his lips against mine and I easily find myself smiling into the kiss, allowing it to get very passionate. We pull away, gazing into each other's eyes before I snuggle back into him. This is by far the best year of my life. I can totally see us being together forever.

Well, that's it. I hope you liked this book and the other I Didn't Do It books. For the future book, I will either put it as completed or just delete it as it is at a kind of awkward stage.  Don't worry, I am still working on my Mosh shots book. 😊

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