IDDI- Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 1 - Part 2- Jasmine Finds Out She's Pregnant

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Here's part 2 of part 1! Love this scene. Again, creds to original movie

*Logan's POV,  a couple of days later

Since Jasmine is still asleep, I decide to leave and go hunt for blood and leave a note on the kitchen worktop. 

*Jasmine's POV

I wake up to see Logan isn't lying next to me. Where is he? I get out of bed and head towards the kitchen. For some reason, I'm starving and I never eat breakfast as soon as I wake up! What's going on? I find a note on the work top from Logan and read it. 'Gone into the woods to hunt, will be back before you make. Logan.' I run my finger over the note. "You're late." I walk over to fridge to find a whole chicken that hasn't been cooked yet so I decide to have that. But why? I would never have chicken for breakfast! But hey, its food right? I take a bite of the chicken and suddenly feel kinda strange - I feel sick so I run into the bathroom only to find myself picking down the toilet! Gross! 

*Logan's POV

I return from my hunt to hear and see Jasmine throwing up into the toilet. "Jaz?" She turns to me and sighs. "Don't come in here." I ignore her wishes and walk through the door. Hey, I am worried about her. "You need to see this.", she says in worry as if to cry. I crouch down on the floor. "Sickness altimem." (I have no idea how to spell what Edward says.)  She looks away slightly. "It must have been the chicken. Will you grab my bag?" I do as she asks and bring it to her. Jasmine looks through her bag and looks up with confusion in her eyes. "What is it?", I ask in concern. Jasmine stands up and walks  away slightly. 

*Jasmine's POV

I stand up with a thought in my head. "How long has it been since the wedding?", I ask Logan as I turn to face him. "Fourteen, why? Will you tell me what's going on?" I walk away slightly. "I'm late. My period's late." With that being said, I walk over towards the mirror to check myself out....which I do a lot. I lift my top up and look at my stomach whilst running my hand over it. It feels heavy. I whisper to myself, "That's impossible." I turn my head, facing Logan. "Can this happen?" He looks at me worriedly and I suddenly feel something inside of me, causing me to lean forward. "Whoa." I suddenly hear the phone ring and go over to answer to hear Delia at the end of the line. "Delia." "Jasmine, are you alright?", she asks in concern. "I-I'm not one hundred percent sure.", I say in worry. This is really starting to scare the hell out of me. "Why? What's wrong? I just-", Delia asks just before cutting herself off. "You just what? Delia, what did you see?" "Here's Bob", Delia says before handing me over to him. "Jasmine, what's doing on?", he asks in obvious concern. "I don't know. I'm a little worried, can vampires go into shock?", I ask him whilst looking at Logan. I notice his worried look. "Has Logan been acting off?" (I have no idea what Castile says in the scene, so I'm just guessing.) "No. I know that its impossible, but...I think that I'm pregnant."

*Logan's POV

"I think that I'm pregnant.", Jasmine says in disbelief and my eyes widen. Please tell me this isn't happening! Jasmine feels her stomach again. "Bob, I swear, something just moved inside me." My eyes go even wider. I grab the phone out of Jasmine's hand and put it to my ear. "Is this even possible?", I ask in worry. "What's he saying?", Jasmine asks as she obviously gets closer to me. "Will you try to keep her safe until we find out what it is?", Bob asks me. (Again, I can't understand from the video what Castile actually says at the beginning of the line)  "Oh, yeah, yeah, I will", I whisper. I hang up the phone and turn to Jasmine. She looks at me scared. "Well?" I quickly pack everything everything back into the suitcase with super speed and sip it up. I hang my head down and whisper to myself. "Dammit." This is exactly what I was afraid of! There's only one thing that is gonna happen to Jasmine all because of me! What have I done?! - No matter what that thing is, its gonna harm Jasmine - she'll die!

Ooh, drama! What did you think? Will Jasmine defiantly die or will she be saved? Find out in the final part of part 1 of BD. I will try to update asap. Hope you liked it!  The next part is gonna be the last part of part 1.

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