Four Month Anniversary

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So, since its Jasmine and Logan's 4 month anniversary today, here's the shot based on it. Hope you like it

*Logan's POV

Today is mine and Jasmine's 4 month anniversary. This is a new record for me! I mean, the longest relationship I first had was with my first real girlfriend, Erin, but Jasmine's my first really serious girlfriend and she's incredible. What are the odds of falling in love with your best friend! Didn't see that coming, but hey I guess the love of your life is closer than expected.  I make my way to Jasmine's. I'm taking her out to the movies and Rumble Juice later.

*Jasmine's POV

I get ready for my date with Logan, but I can't decide what to wear. I'm thinking about wearing my red dress with the white spots - the one I wore when I revealed I started dating Owen - so maybe thats out of the question. I find a red and black high neck top and pull it out of my wardrobe.  Oh my gosh, its the same I wore when Logan and I were fake dating! I put it on and hear Logan at the door.

*A couple of hours,  Logan's POV

At the movie theatre,  Jasmine and I are in the middle of of watching Ghost (The 1990's one; its so amazing). Jasmine wanted to see a romantic movie, so I agreed on it, but honestly, it is kinda boring at times, but there are some alright scenes. One of my favourites actually is when the spiritual reader hear's Sam (the ghost) and thinks she has lost her mind. At least this is a comedy and has some action in it for being a romantic movie. Near the beginning of the movie, I noticed Jasmine getting excited over the scene where Sam and Molly were making pottery whilst a love song was playing in the background. (Thats one of my favourite scenes and songs ever and the song is called Unchained Melody)

*Jasmine's POV

As the movie comes to an end, its a very scary scene. I thought this was meant to be a really romantic movie, not like a horror! As this Carl character tries to run off, a piece of glass from a window comes closer to him (this is a gross part) and I hide myself into Logan. This is so scary. "Jasmine, baby, its over you can look now", he whispers and I do just that only to see the glass in his heart with realistic blood!! Ewwww! That is horrifying! As I continue to watch the end of the movie,  it being the final scene its an absolute tear jerker! I feel hot tears run down my cheek. I thought this was meant to be a happy romantic movie, not a sad one. Logan obviously sees me crying cause he moves his finger over my tears and wipes them. "Are you okay, Jaz?" I turn to him with a slight smile. "Yeah, its just a very sad, but romantic movie, especially when Sam tells Molly he's alway loved her and walks into the light. It makes me cry every time!" Logan chuckles and we start to walk out of the theatre. 

*Logan's POV

As Jasmine and I make our way to Rumble Juice, we talk about the movie. "Thanks Logan, that was a great movie!", she exclaims with excitement. I look at her surprised. "Wait, you liked it? I wasn't sure since you were crying." She giggles a bit. "I was crying since it was sad, but romantic, like I told you." I let go of her hand and put my arm around her. "Yeah, but the violence and comedy was great." We walk into Rumble Juice and see no one except Betty there." "Hey Betty, where is everyone? I thought there'd be customers.", I comment with confusion. "Its almost 8:30. I'm closing in a few minutes. What are you guys doing here?" "Oh, well, we just went to see a movie and thought we'd  have time for a smoothie", Jasmine smiles. "Sorry kids, but we're closing." I get money out of my wallet. "Here's ten bucks".  Betty takes the money from me and puts it in her pocket. "Please take a seat over here"  "Hey, can we have candle lights", Jasmine asks excitedly and Betty roles her eyes. "Fine, but for an extra 5 bucks" Jasmine and I look at each other in confusion. Man, Betty does anything for money.  "Fine", I continue.

*Jasmine's POV

"To our four month anniversary", Logan says with a warming smile and I feel a blush appear on my cheek. "To our anniversary" I giggle and we raise our smoothies (image). He's so cute. "So did you really enjoy the movie, Logan?" "Of course I did! I mean, at first I thought it would be some typical romance movie, but the action made it even better! I still can't believe you cried at the end, though." I smile to myself with... embarrassment? "I know, but sad movies really make me cry, especially romantic sad ones." Logan gently gets hold of my hand. "That's the Jaz I love." I blush and grip his hand holder. "I love you too, Logan". "I know" I role my eyes playfully.  "Thanks for a great anniversary,   Logan" i smile and he chuckles. "Well, you're welcome, Jasmine. You're worth it." My smile grows even bigger. "Aw, that's my guy." We start leaning in only to be hearing  Betty. "Alright, love birds, get outta here, we're closing!" We pull away and look at her  questionably. We leave and I snuggle into Logan. "Do you want me want me to drive you home, Jaz or are you being picked up cause I'll drop you off." I bite my lip and smile. "Aw, you're the sweetest boyfriend in the world." Logan looks down for a second. "I know."

Ghost is one of my favourite movies ever so I had to add it as a movie . Its very romantic but sad. Its actually from the 90's,  but I changed it to as if it was a recent movie lol.  Hope you liked it  💜

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